Today we did our normal classes. You know Computer 1st period then MIB..oh MIB we organise our seating like a confrence. Like the UN kinda thingiey. It was so cool but we were not doing the UN instead we did a syair. Girls go against Boys....i'm not sure who won actually coz' teacher didn't say anything...just some encouraging words. Next we have Chem class *shudders* we learnt something about MATTERS. Tcher gave us an experiment but the catch was finishing our work yeah we finished it then we went in the Chem Lab. And did an experiment on DIFUSION (i think i got the spelling wrong...right?) we used a beaker with water and drop a crumb of something permagete?? Chem words are hard to remember. Then the watsoever chem. diffuses with water and gave a "Barney Purple" colour. P.s Tcher showed us a chem that smell like cuetex or marker pen ink. Mmmm...~nice smell~~i'm addicted to it y'all!!
Anyway i want to skip to the afternoon...so0o0o0o0o Abg Ayu lanja us to KFC (kaling football club...hahaha) it was delicious!! ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU THANKYOU ABG AYU!!! Yeahh~ so we were deadly lethal damn bored and decided to play a music quiz game. This game is done in a group. A person is in charge of the song and points are given 1pt answering the singers name and 2pts for the name of the song. It so much fun that some of us when crazy trying to remember the answer ahahaha i fell down after every question i answered. And the wiener is NEENA!! YAY U! Hahaha oh and there's this competion on suggesting words held by the HSBC. We tried so0o0o
many el stupidido words hahaha hopefully one of the words is correct. And if its correct we gonna have $1000!! Now that's money *kachang* $$$$

1 Response to "MUSIC MADNESS"

  1. . Says:

    potassium permegenate..and this is a reply to ur shout mix.."WHAT!!WHEN!!"

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