Holy Chemistry! Heyyy Macerena!

Hahaha today i've experience good, shocked, bored and crazy. Ok in the morn' we had a really good moods all around the class...belajar utk mathsD and Geo...there was a LOT of laughter but the awkward thing happen during that time was....it was Saiful's Birthdax!!! Oh.. i'm sorry Saiful that we forgot that it was ur birthday. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAIFUL!!"
Now the "SHOCKED" moment. It was just after MathsD paper...and our Chem teacher barged in and said "you've done badly" oh that means he has marked it already. everyone gathered around him..he gave out the papers to everyone. And OMG!! Holy 'beep'! What a shipwreck! EVERYONE FAILED THE PAPER!! Wow that was a total shock! Not even ONE passed! They are some that was so near to geting it..let me name some that i can remember...Yasir-24.5 (kasian 1/5 mark lagi)
Iffah-24 (1 mark more)
someone got 23. I got 22 and Nina got 21. Umm and the lowest is Ahmad...he got 5 out of 100. Nyah who cares about that...EVERYONE FAILED! Hmm i would like to blame the teacher..coz' he teaches us like people from University. Pakai computer lagi masa mengajar! And he doesn't give any notes! Argh! And he talks fast..and his questions are always what we haven't learn yet. Jezz he expect us to know everything! That teacher! Nvrmind about now i'm getting tired and wanna finish this post. The last one is when me,neena and nysha got bored and crazy. In the afternoon around 1 we ate our launch and it was So0o0o quiet!! I can even hear the AC working and every footstep from outside the classroom (yeah we eat in the class) but at the strike of 2 our crazy hermones went wild! Neena started to dance like move the legs and hands side to side kind of dance. And Nysha did the Belly dancing! Woohoo u go girl! Then i was going back to the past and remembered the "MACERENA"! Heyy Macerena!! We did the dance! It was so funny and we were planning to do that in the middle of Physic paper. So guys that reads this, better look out...we'll be dancing when u know it! Btw we saw Hazywan and Faiz today too. Ok adios! ^_^

1 Response to "Holy Chemistry! Heyyy Macerena!"

  1. Akhmal Aiman Says:

    Saturday dance lagi... afternoon, celebrating dpt paper english udah. ahaha...

    I'll bring my baby C that afternoon. ok, bye3

    =D heyyah macerena

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