School Online?!?

Tuesday 28 April 2009 9:51 pm by Yasmin Jamal
This morning, Akemaru (aka. abg ayu, i'll be calling him Akemaru now), Iffy, Neena and Aisya had to go to ICC for a "carnival" in the morning. I heard the carnival is about getting jobs. Anyway they left school for that before 8am. Kena antar oleh Ustaz Sham. Then i was alone. Answering English comprehension and volcabulary (i luv english).

Me and somehow Mirza (makin pandai udah...hehe :) ) is the only ones answering the questions. Then we skipped Computer and Melayu for this lecture from some company working for a new web portal. We went to lecture hall (that's what it's talk talk) at 8.30 but the lecture started at 9. So while waiting....haha bising kaliah, and it was boring so i draw on my note book to pass the time.

The lecture was about an offering to the school to make their own web portal...the function is like like this (

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