Friday 24 April 2009 11:08 pm by Yasmin Jamal!!

'sigh' sorry guys. Why are there many dots? Coz' i was eating Mint flavour gelato..Mmmm Mmm who could resist it! Not me! But some of you anti-mint flavouring peoples will infact resist it..DUH!

Anyway back to the topic. LEGO!! What am i? A kid again?! Let me answer that. YES!! Tho some of you must think NO! That's for you guys. Anyway i played in the afternoon. Jez i think i didn't play with it over a year huhuhu i miss it so much.

I just reunited with it. It was hiding under mass of junk in the house. And its all webbey too. Now its all clean and i'm happy. So i had nothing to do so i played. Nothing comes up my mind so i built a pyramid (i knw its lame) it was colourful red, black, white, blue and yellow. I finally figure out what was wrong with the last pyramid i made a few years ago.

Last time i built it rectangular and it came out retarded '' hehehe*nervous laughter* but now, the pyramid i made is a perfect shape. Rupanya mesti square arah base nya. Baka me. Anyway (mann that's alot of "anyways") while building it, i have to get the pieces out. And the pieces have poking edges so it was really painful taking it out from the box and fix it on the pyramid. Don't be suprise if my fingers has holes on it.

Anyway i finish making it in 1hour so that makes it LEGO HOUR. I wonder why it takes me an hour to finish it...anyway again it was fun and i don't know if i should play it again.

Should i? =D

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