The Red Sun/Moon

Monday 3 August 2009 9:02 pm by Yasmin Jamal
Hey there! Ok for all the Twilight fans out there, this is NOT the "New Moon"'s obviously red.

Yes, Brunei is experiencing haze for a few days now. Not sure about the main cause but it's usually forest fires or just a volcanic erruption somewhere near by us. But i'm not sure about the volcanic erruption....i didn't hear any news about a volcanic erruption in Asia these past few days...any what, Daddy says it's forest fires, it's either someone is making a huge open fire or we're still in a months of summer in Brunei.

I don't know which is true...but i kinda guess it's forest fires. So i got some picture of the scenery i got. (Ps i didn't take this, my phone's camera is not good in pixelation and good colourization, so i got this from the internet.....but~~

*** If i have a big Canon camera like Akhmal's i'll be able to take shots of this and post it up. heheheheheh *hint hint* :P

I saw something like this in the evening. It was really hazy, the tall buildings are blurred by the haze, kinda dangerous too those with bad eyesight, driving and don't bother to wear spects. And i think there's not much flight here, you know as it can obstruct the pilots's view. Well,'s for their safety.

i can't find red moon pictures so i only got the suns. So you see, i think this is the only thim you can see the sun directly....better don't lose that chance. You can actually see how round it is. And i think that's the sun's real colour. I don't really know, it just look like it. So there, just posting this out to remind me of what i saw today..kinda AMAZING!!! a sort of way you will not understand ;p

_Akito out_

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