New Gal & Sick

Is she in the wrong class???

yes that's what i said (well quietly to Neena) when she came in. Ok, let's see.... firstly, she went barging in the classroom let there was an emergency, but she went straight to Fariah, we thought she was for her. Turns out she's our new student. Yeeahhh~ No one informed us about this at all even the class teacher herself! We were like ok...

"What's your name?"

"Naima" she answered

"Are you a new student?"

"Yes" she says

We were like what?? 0,0 we were clueless. So we gave her a seat next to Fariah and we informed the teacher. That's the only thing we can do at that time. Oh so now youn would know that she's an exchange student from Egypt (hihihihi my favourite history place) name; Naima and she speaks arabic (kinda cool) but unfortunatly we don't understand her that much.....she can't speak malay or english that we were kinda blur coz english and malay is some sort our "Everyday language" and arabic......well not so so.

Clock striked 8am. Akhmal wasn't there....and i kinda guess he's not coming.

1) he did say he came down with a cold

2) the rule posted: "When the Akhmal has not arrive at 8am, Hence he is not coming, thus look out for his messages, lastly tell the teachers" nice rule huh? ahahahahah

Yeah we told the teachers, and yes they miss him like usual, he missed alot though...but i gave him the updates on the day. So now he is updated now just to install "anti-sickness" program in him and he'll do just fine ahahahahah!!

Well guess thats about it for today...see you in a bit!!

-akito finished bloggin' out-

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