
" Oh God, So Lonely~"

Hey~~ok straight to the point. I freakishly went to school very early today. Freakishly reached at 6.55am. ok that's freakishly a first. I don't really know why, but my dad freakishly woke up early, hence, i freakishly went to school early.. weird huh? I was really the first one in the was damn quiet an really boring. I tried wasting my time on the keyboard..useless~ it doesn't work.

**( Please don't take harsh on the "Freakishly" word just to make something out of the title )

I looked every where to do something..and i found weird things like, the fishes are experiencing puberty and the file cabinet is in the dumps so as the books.

Way minutes later, Neena came. Then Mirza, then the rest.....real bore. Anyway i had to go to my class when A.Maths teacher was at the door. After that our individual classes ended, kinda waiting to have a laugh from Akhmal..but he wasn't there.

Yet again, worries me ( force of habit -.-""). So i tried to put that aside for a moment for my studies..Whoa he missed a lot..and the teachers miss him ahahahahahah

woW! left a "mark" for the teacher to remember you ahahaha!! Anyway it's not a big's just...just....the class was really quiet!! Nothing to laugh or talk about....really a boring the maths. D we had...that sums up the bored-ness level scale.

And so, Akhmal's reason not coming to school was.........................alarm didn't went off coz phone battery went dead ahahahahah!! Aduhai~~ heheh get a real alarm clock Mal, it's cheap! hehehe

Ok i think that all for today...told you it wasn't much.

***Akito Dismissed***

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