Live Long and Prosper..
Some people labeled people who watch or a fan of Star Trek a "geek", but no readers. We have a term for people who watch or a fan of the Enterprise. It's called "TREKKIE"
Though Star Trek enthusiasts preferred Trekker, other preferred Trekkie. The original Spock, Leonard Nimoy once attempt to set things right with the different terms and that the correct term was Trekker.
A documentary i watched on TV about the terms Trekkie and Trekker, what do they mean for the fans. Some stated that Trekker are the ones "walking with us", while Trekkies are the ones that simply sits and watch Star Trek.
Gene Roddenberry (R.I.P) the creator of the Star Trek went to a convention and used the term "Trekkies", a fan then stood up from the crowd and shouted to correct him that it was " Trekker". Gene replied "No, it's Trekkies. I should know - i invented the thing" Well, that's so true, he is the creator of Star Trek and who was that fan that stood up had to go against him, the fan is just a fan not Gene. Oh that case i would rather choose the term Trekkie.

More of a newbie Trekkie. I just had the interest for a month while of fans had it for years! A month ago i watched the 2009 Star Trek.
What made me watch it? Have you ever watched Eminem's We Made You music video? That what made me want to watch Star Trek movie. I confess, every time Spock appears on the TV it reminds me of Eminem's version. And i'll laugh that's for sure. But it what make me want to watch it more! Thank that to Eminem. I enjoyed the movie and i wanted more!
What made me watch it? Have you ever watched Eminem's We Made You music video? That what made me want to watch Star Trek movie. I confess, every time Spock appears on the TV it reminds me of Eminem's version. And i'll laugh that's for sure. But it what make me want to watch it more! Thank that to Eminem. I enjoyed the movie and i wanted more!
I've been planning to get the episode series and watch it during my free time. Problem is, i can't find the full series. I don't want to download it from the internet, it'll just cause problems with the computer so it's a no fun. I want to watch it so bad! Maybe i can learn to speak Klingon....
"vaD quv vo' Spock [for the honor of Spock]"
(Spock's second name is unpronounceable by human therefore never revealed =P )
(Spock's second name is unpronounceable by human therefore never revealed =P )
Let's see, so far there's a lot of Spock picture. HAHAHAH i like Spock better than the rest of the crew! I mean he has that straight face in any situation!! i'm mean SERIOUSLY! LOOK!
This is the new generation of Star Trek, the new movie in 2009. Spock portrayed by Zachary Quinto (Sylar for HEROES) and Cptn. Kirk portrayed by Chris Pine ( might recognize him from the latest movie Unstoppable)

I knew the new Spock seems so familiar and..ehem..cute =P And then i Googled...and that's him in real life with the Vulcan greeting!!
I can't do the Vulcan hand sign..YET! i want to do it so bad! It's like everyone i know can do it and i CAN'T!!! i taped my finger over night and i still can't get it =(
I promised myself that if i can make it with the Vulcan hand sign i would watch Star Trek and become a Trekkie. Trekkie wouldn't be complete without the Vulcan hand sign!! (still taping my fingers together HAHA)

Oh and look what i found that is simply illogical for Spock to do.....or maybe not
And thought you might want to know, some celebs and few famous people that is a Trekkie. And few in the list are:
Megan Fox. Daniel Craig. Whoopi Goldberg. Angelina Jolie. Tom Hanks. Eddie Murphy. Ben Stiller. Robin Williams. Frank Sinatra. Brad Paisley. Pharrell Williams. Al Gore. Barack Obama. Ronald Regan. Arnold Schwarzenegger ("i'll be back"). Stephen Hawking. Dwayne Johnson (The Rock). Sir Richard Branson ( founder of the Virgin brand). and more.
So if you're ashamed that you secretly like watching Star Trek, don't worry, a lot of famous people watches it too! And now it is logical for me to end this blog post.
Farewell and..
20 November 2014 at 04:40
i have no comment on the matter