Nickname Meanings

Friday 8 May 2009 10:55 pm by Yasmin Jamal
For this post i wanna show you guys what our nickname means. We're using nickname, coz' its much better. Putting REAL names are a bit dangerous on the internet. Some people can track us down. That's why i don't use Neena, Iffy, Akemaru (ex-abg ayu...Akemaru more glamour) and ofcoz' me, Akito! Ok just now i google these names and found out its meanings. Here's it:-


:- In Hindi it means "Pretty Eyes" a-eche kambang tia siNeena masa baca ane ahah


:- I can't find the meaning for Iffy tho. So i looked for the next best thing...KIMI!!
Kimi means Righteous. Hmmm is she living for her nickname? Haha elala righteous?? Honto ka?!


:-Akemaru....Gomenasai I'm sorry Akemaru, there was no results for Akemaru meaning. The closest is Ak'A'maru (like from Naruto) it also has the closest pronounciation so i think you can use that rite? Akamaru means basicly means "Red Dog" xD

Finally me, Akito

:- My nickname, Akito means "Autumn Person". Hehehe i like Autumn and i like ue colour too. Hehe dari Air Gear =P

........well that's it. Now i gotta read a lil Bio and sleep. Tata everyone!

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