It's either it is the word of the day or is it just me hearing it repeatly. I don't know. So this early morning during maths...we went in to a new topic...statistic (sp?) the one where you have the Mean, Average, Frequency & Mode...and the one with all the graphs..that's the one.
We did some questions on that topic and we have to count it like a tally you know like this kind of counting, what mostly prisoners do when counting their days.

Now that was in maths, during the next class which is Biology...we got the papers back..while we were checking, i heard teacher said "You can do the TALLY....."
See the word there?? TALLY another one..i laughed when i heard it and kept reminding myself to post that coincidence (sp?) on my here it is. After Bio i didn't hear anything from that word again.
English...well i can say i'm statisfied of what i got...the paper was really hard and the marks i got was pretty suprising...Miss Chinn said " To make it one got 60 above" so u can guess how hard the paper was and how little people passed over all 17 now?? i lost count! We were only in the english room for a few minutes then we got sent to the library untill 11 am. The teacher wasn't in for M.I.B, so a little tickle here and there and off to computer for me.....Yet again teacher wasn't there only Miss Goh with some other students in the computer lab with our seats soooo~ we didn't dare to go in without the teacher inside.
We sat outside the lab and talked about how envious we are to some families...and how unfair each of us are treated among siblings.....Envious....hmmmm isn't that a part of the 7 sins??? heheh stay tuned, never know when is the next "My 7 Sins" series gonna be posted up
tata now~
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