My 7 Sins: Gluttony


Derived from the Latin word gluttire meaning to gulp down or swallow, also means over-indulgence and over-consumption of food & drink to the point of waste. Gluttony is not universally considered a sin; depending on the culture, it can be seen as either a vice or a sign of status.

Gluttony; To tell the truth, i hate gluttony. I hate it very much. I try to prevent myself for doing so. I don't eat more than i needed, i don't gulp down food like a hungry hippo without teeth, i don't eat like i haven't eaten for months. I'm not picky on how luxurious the food is, i don't mind to go to those reasonable-ly cheap restaurants. And everytime when there's a buffet anywhere else...i rarely go for seconds or thirds. I usually think about others when i gather my food. And i always try not to waste any food coz wasting it just reminds me of poverty in other countries like Africa and such. I wish to help them as many times i could. And also, i don't mind the great expensive quality of food or just a normal inexpensive food on my plate.

Food is only take it when your body needs it.....and it's also a bad thing in Islam too and this month of Ramadhan, we are taught to think of others in poverty that's why we fasting every year to be thankful of what situation we are in now.

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