Hi there everybody. Charlotte James speaking here. Uhhh very sorry for the late post. That "hag" just keep hogging on this blog and i wa*cuts convo)
Akito: Charlotte! What did you just called me?? *deathly stare*
CJ: Nothing miss, i just said i like your hand "bag". It's really nice.
Akito: Oh okay, thank you Charlotte. Now go do your work.
CJ: Yes miss.
Uhh...ditch that thought........where was i? Oh yeah! That "***" just keep hogging on this blog and i was dying to you guys about me. It was in the contract that i can tell things about myself, so be it.
So.....Hey~ My name's Charlotte James, i'm the youngest secretary in this office...i don't know about the world though, but i'm sure i'm the youngest here. I'm just 15! The birthday is on the 10 January 1994. Nice number right? 101 *sigh* i love it. So now i'm working is this **** hole but i have a part time job at Akhmal Aiman Co. and P.S.Y.A. it's nice there, especially Akhmal Aiman Co. the owner....Akhmal Aiman let me wear his designs!! It's soo elegant his designs. And the P.S.Y.A is under construction so i have to wait in about a week or so for it to re-open.
Get to know me better. I just love the colour of dark purple and dark red~ i just hate the colour pink....it's just tooo uhhhh g~i~r~l~y uhhh YUCK! I love wearing my sunglasses, it's my favourite accesories (sp?) i wear it all the time just look at the picture!
I got some troubles spelling MASQUERADE here it took me 2 times!! I know i'm from London, but i'm seriously not really good in spelling big words. That's just my problem
See??? I wear them even when i'm wearing a mask..............

Lovely picture isn't it *sigh*. My speciality is in the big stories and updates on where abouts. Just pedicure the nails when Boss Akito is away. AHAHA She doesn't know i wrote this AHAHAH*cuts*
Akito: *twitch* Charrrrlllooootttee~~~ *twitch* What the hell *twitch* did you wrote???? *twitch*
CJ: *jumps in shock* Ummm Uhhh uhhhhhh *blocks screen* Uuhhh Nothing Miss!!
Akito: *Glares* *motioned "I'll Be Watching You"* *walks away*
Phweeee~~ that's too close..do you think she was?? well i'll keep i touch with you readers, that is if the "Boss" lets me. Tata for now. CJ out!
GUYS!!! Author's Note; guys to make sure Charlotte James character lives on...she has a fair british accent.
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