
Name: Charlotte James
Age: "We girls, don't tell our age"
Birthday: 10 January
Orgins: London, England *hence the name*
Occupation: Hired Secretary.
Salary: $99,999/day
Part Time Occupation: Trys To Keep Up With Celebs BIG News
Company: Akhmal Aiman Co. , P.S.Y.A (will accept more)
Contact: 1-800-GETCJNOW
Hey guy, it's me Akito speaking....not that (CENSORD). She just came in looking for a job. Well, her resumes are quite interesting so i guessed she could help in some parts of the company. Since she has worked in the one of the most sucessful companies yet, Akhmal Aiman Co. (AHAHAH i love along mal) and with her skills along with that "heart-attack giving" salary....i guess...she's good.
Peeps, meet Charlotte James or CJ for short
CJ: Hey there!
Shutdapp Charlotte! This is still my cue!
So, Charlotte is here to give updates on Celebs BIG News (nice company huh?) and also updates for those who missed major things in P.S.Y.A (Private.School.Yayasan.Agency) and if you want to chat with her. Do chat at late nights. But if you still looking for me...answer her questions then ask for me.
Easy as 3.141592654
That's all the info i'm gonna give Charlotte no more, Now scoot. My turn to shine!
CJ: Fine..pfft!
Tsk tsk tsk, that girl sure have an attitude. Ok guy. the real me is here, i just created my alter ego just now and yes, it's Charlotte James. Okay, why Charlotte?? Guess. .......heheh give up?! ahah i can't find a nicer name so i used the name Akhmal said would be better on a FaceBook note (i wonder if he remembers AHAHA) Then the James, it just came out from no where to now here. I don't know how i got the's either the influence of watching James Bond movies or it's probably i was looking for a nice enitial (sp) so CJ for short. HEY! nice~ AHAH i enjoyed this.
Since i'm running low on stories and low on lables, i was thinking to have an alter ego to the job. I know if you guys have been to Akhmal's blog he has his own alter Adzwan a reporter AHAh
So i guess that's it for now. I think Charlotte said she will post something about herself later. well stay tuned for that...pfft!
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