My 7 Sins; Pride

Pride..., depending upon context, either a high sense of the worth of one's self or one's own or a pleasure taken in the contemplation of these things. One definition can be said "the love of one's own excellence."

Pride's opposite, humility.

Pride is sometimes viewed as a sin , sometimes as a virtue. While some philosophies consider pride a profound virtue, most world religions consider it a sin.

In Islam, pride is forbidden as well. According to a narration from Muhammad S.A.W, he said:

"He in whose heart there is as much as an atom of arrogance will not enter paradise,"
and a man remarked: "A man likes his garment to be beautiful and his sandals to be beautiful."
Then Muhammad replied: "God(Allah S.W.T), Most High, is beautiful and likes beauty; arrogance is disdaining what is true and despising people." (Sahih Muslim).

Pride; i think this sin has the pros and the cons and that we should take care of it. Let's see now....

The pros; pride, there's also another meaning to it, like in the term "Your family's PRIDE". In that sentence, it usually means the family's name or reputation towards the public. It's really adviceable to protect the family's pride and also some of yours as people won't think you lost your dignity(sp?) or instead create humiliation towards public. But.....

The cons; pride also means arrogance(sp?) or being too proud of youself. To tell the truth, i don't like that kind of people, they normaly think of themself the best among others and they tend to show it off. Kinda annoying, sometimes they over do those arrogant things aaand basically make it annoying.

For me, pride is not my sin, i don't like boasting myself and become's just shameful for me. But also, i have to protect my family's pride and so as mine so AHAH i don't lose my dignity.

You think you have the sin of Pride, try converting that arrogant character into protecting something important...which is respect.

*** Guys, author note!; sorry for the unsual late post of this series. It's because, these few days (2 actually =) ) i've been really tired, been sleeping late, I mean LATE, like late in 1 am or 3 am. I can't sleep! Somethings been bothering me and i can't help not worrying about it. Last night stayup was, Yes, i was worried but it's for the rehearsal today, OH the rehearsal today! I think i wanna put that in the next post. I think tonight's gonna be a post marathon. Just to make up for you guys. ;)

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