
" It's always funny til someone gets hurt, Then it's hysterical!!!"

Ok as i promised in my last post that there's going to be something funny on my blog rite?.. Well here it is... seriously it's recommended for those in need to lose boredom or something to cheer up from any misery. There won't be much of text in this post just videos i found on Youtube today.

Please do watch it...there are some you won't "get it" but just watch it anyway..there won't be a very long buffering (i think..coz that depends on your internet access) anyway..if you do watch it keep you ears sharp and turn up the volume so you can hear every word...miss anything just rewind a lil'... remember Laughter is the best medication.

REMEMBER: Turn the volume up and laugh!!

Well, you can guess that all i have for now rite?? Really hoped you enjoyed it...and of course made u laugh a lot..coz it happened to me alot ahahahaahahahahahahahahahah

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