Hey guys! This was supposed to be posted out hours ago, like 7 pm but there are some pictures and it took me until this time to get it all uploaded. Urghhh make internet more faster Bill Gates (i think??) don't let it stay "Version 2.0" or "Version 2.5", make it "Version 5.o" that will give us internet at the speed of light, no waiting needed and you know what Bill Gates?? If you make that happen i'm sure you make more billions! So make it.
So the title says all. Yes, we had a Hari Raya Celebration in school today. I'm happy we got to attend coz last year we were out of the bunch coz they didn't want to wait for us until the exam ends. Pfft planning. So let's see, Which vision you wanna see first?? Before? Just Now? or After?
Fine, make it easy. In order then.
So....ok...we were told on Thursday that the school is going to have the Hari Raya Celebration on Saturday which is duh~ today. We were told that choir is going to be on. Of course we were excited, we chatted during maths for what colour code to wear for today. Then at home, news about Akhmal, Iffy and Neena having last minute scripts...little worried about them, coz it was really last minute. And i was home wondering wether to bring drinks or not and to wear pink or silver. I wished i could help that time.
Today was the celebration day. I decided to bring the drinks, hoping i wasn't the only one bringing them, decided to wear silver and leave pink for the afternoon (hehehe next post i think). Came to school and gave a little "bad news" (my gang *mal, ify, ninz*, you know what -.-) then well there was so little people that came i can remember that all the boys came (sigh* thankyou boys =) yes, even Saifull...he behaved well ;)...girls...OMG. there was only me, Neena, Iffy, Aisya and Seri..that's bad enough. Anyway after setting things in the class, Neena, Iffy and Akhmal went to the lecture hall and i tagged along...i was needed xp i got a job from Akhmal AHAHA! They praticed their scripts while i became the secretary (love it!). Then while they still busy pratising, i got into the choir group. I love choir. We praticed the songs, not bad though...but i had to voice out harder to help the solo-ist a little too. Tiring! but all was well.
Then the celebration starts! Students and teachers came crowding in and the whole lecture hall was ridiculously packed!! No seat anymore! well just 2 or 4 seats left but why can't we use the Multi-Purpose hall? Uhh ignore that thought. So first a prayer, then a speech from the principal and a speech from the head-student...then dum dum dum~! Akhmal, Neena and Iffy's entertainment! AHAH OMG! I can't write the whole moment here! there was a lot! Akhmal was really good in acting. Neena was good with her attitude and Iffy was good in changing characters! AHAH That was the best performance i ever seen in the school! There were Raya quizez and the prize was "ampau" and then choir between scenes of the performance. The choir was okay...i was hoping more voices but...you know... that... screaming was an option back then, and i used it. Happy that i didn't need the lyrics for the choir =)
Then, remember that i told you that Akhmal gave me a job?? Yes, he did. I served cakes to the teachers after another scene ended. Best way to meet the teachers huh?? Love it. Big smiles all the way~! Then the last was an what i feels like an endless quequ of students waiting to give salam to all the teachers. Me, Neena, Akhmal and Iffy was one of the last to salam as we were thinking being the last would be a good idea...(i think -,-' AHAH) again...THAT WAS FAR THE BEST PERFORMANCE IN THE LECTURE HALL
Yes, we went back to the class feeling much more relaxed, ate some cakes from Neena and drink some drinks (heheh) then when i took out my camera these guys here has thier "Vain Switch" switched on!!
Suddenly 2 more followed Seri and Aisya. AHAH that pout!
Ok, Akhmal really wasn't ready here. Neena..ahaha ok since when??? Iffy nice pose!
When kissing the bapanya went to over. Vain bapanya atu~ hehe
OMG!!! Akhmal grew 4 bunny ears!!!!!!!!!!!! (does he knows that?)
I like this picture. A pout and a point
Whoahwie photoshoot! .....where was Neena looking at?? HELLO!! the camera's here ya know
That's the mamanya, the anaknya, the bapanya and the orang menyampuk-nya HAHAHA
When i look in this picture, i'm thinking hip shapes..i don't know why -,-'
So the title says all. Yes, we had a Hari Raya Celebration in school today. I'm happy we got to attend coz last year we were out of the bunch coz they didn't want to wait for us until the exam ends. Pfft planning. So let's see, Which vision you wanna see first?? Before? Just Now? or After?
Fine, make it easy. In order then.
So....ok...we were told on Thursday that the school is going to have the Hari Raya Celebration on Saturday which is duh~ today. We were told that choir is going to be on. Of course we were excited, we chatted during maths for what colour code to wear for today. Then at home, news about Akhmal, Iffy and Neena having last minute scripts...little worried about them, coz it was really last minute. And i was home wondering wether to bring drinks or not and to wear pink or silver. I wished i could help that time.
Today was the celebration day. I decided to bring the drinks, hoping i wasn't the only one bringing them, decided to wear silver and leave pink for the afternoon (hehehe next post i think). Came to school and gave a little "bad news" (my gang *mal, ify, ninz*, you know what -.-) then well there was so little people that came i can remember that all the boys came (sigh* thankyou boys =) yes, even Saifull...he behaved well ;)...girls...OMG. there was only me, Neena, Iffy, Aisya and Seri..that's bad enough. Anyway after setting things in the class, Neena, Iffy and Akhmal went to the lecture hall and i tagged along...i was needed xp i got a job from Akhmal AHAHA! They praticed their scripts while i became the secretary (love it!). Then while they still busy pratising, i got into the choir group. I love choir. We praticed the songs, not bad though...but i had to voice out harder to help the solo-ist a little too. Tiring! but all was well.
Then the celebration starts! Students and teachers came crowding in and the whole lecture hall was ridiculously packed!! No seat anymore! well just 2 or 4 seats left but why can't we use the Multi-Purpose hall? Uhh ignore that thought. So first a prayer, then a speech from the principal and a speech from the head-student...then dum dum dum~! Akhmal, Neena and Iffy's entertainment! AHAH OMG! I can't write the whole moment here! there was a lot! Akhmal was really good in acting. Neena was good with her attitude and Iffy was good in changing characters! AHAH That was the best performance i ever seen in the school! There were Raya quizez and the prize was "ampau" and then choir between scenes of the performance. The choir was okay...i was hoping more voices but...you know... that... screaming was an option back then, and i used it. Happy that i didn't need the lyrics for the choir =)
Then, remember that i told you that Akhmal gave me a job?? Yes, he did. I served cakes to the teachers after another scene ended. Best way to meet the teachers huh?? Love it. Big smiles all the way~! Then the last was an what i feels like an endless quequ of students waiting to give salam to all the teachers. Me, Neena, Akhmal and Iffy was one of the last to salam as we were thinking being the last would be a good idea...(i think -,-' AHAH) again...THAT WAS FAR THE BEST PERFORMANCE IN THE LECTURE HALL
Yes, we went back to the class feeling much more relaxed, ate some cakes from Neena and drink some drinks (heheh) then when i took out my camera these guys here has thier "Vain Switch" switched on!!
Aww that's the anaknya and mamanya.....look!! Bapanya stress ah!
Akhmal says "You ain't no Paris Hilton Kim Kardasian bitch, you're classy~!" (betul kh?)
Iffy says "Let's dance around like we just don't care!"
I call this theme;
"Scared In All Directions"
....Ahaa don;t get it? Look at their eyes ahah and they're scared, one to the side, one on straight and one above..what a scary theme
It was really fun just now, really funny too. The performace was hell more funnier than anything. Great acting Akhmal, Neena and Iffy!
P.s No colours, too tired, sorry
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