OMG i love that title!
I can't believe i managed to put them in order! Ok i was really supposed topost this out yesterday, when the picture were already up on Facebook. But mann, i was tired. Here's the story.
A really nice photo of Izwan, mann so dramatic feeling. And he's smirking!
This is bapanya, missing one of his son so much that he posed to much in his portrait AHAHA
We didn't know Izwan is a photogenic since his early kindergarden years til NOW! nice poses btw
And these are the men that wanted to pose like footballers...i think attempt fail AHAHA

Here you can see a part of Izwan's house and i love this photo!
1 Car, 2 Houses, 3 Pickups, 4 Teens and 5 altogether
I can't believe i managed to put them in order! Ok i was really supposed topost this out yesterday, when the picture were already up on Facebook. But mann, i was tired. Here's the story.
Once upon a time, on a Saturday, to be exact on 10th October 2009, this kid went home after a tiring and confusing day at school. Her classes kept changing time! And she had to deal with the planning for the afternoon pickups. She went home, took a bath and took a little nap before 3. She got up but her daddy has to sent her sister to school. So she waited.
Her father came and off she went to pickup Akhmal's. She can see that Akhmal is not afraid of Daddy..good. Then Akhmal told her where to find Mirza, actually she should have pickuped Mirza first coz it was the closest to her house. Anyway after pickup Akhmal and Mirza, they went to pickup Iffy in Medewa, which is far from any of us and there was traffic jam. After she got everyone in the car off they all went to Izwan's house in Kg Selayun (sp?).
WOWEE his house is uberly new and big! She means, there are 2 doors and they didn't know which door to go to. Ahmad and Muiz was there a long time already. Yes, they were obviously late. And this kid says sorry. Inside Izwan's house was almost like the palace! Chanderliers (sp?), portraits and a lot of rooms! Food was great and there was a chocolate fountain. LOVE IT! Then they played "badil" and after that went to Izwan's room, it was cozy. Izwan's little brothers are so cute! especially the youngest (melating~!)....then it took awhile to go to the next house. Daddy, was a bit late. Mirza and Iffy went home.
So left this kid and Akhmal to the next house.
The next house wasn't far from this kid's house and Akhmal's house. It was Aisya's house they went to. Late again. The food was comforting, nasi briyani and sheperd's pie is what this kid had. And then Aisya told these semi-funny-scary stories that she first experimented on this kid in school earlier. Still this kid was scared out of her wits and laughed her heart out. And after that was the end of Raya-ing in two different houses. This kid wants to say sorry to Akhmal for bringing him home a little late than 8. And they all had fun and wants to do it again, but not just for Raya-ing =)
Ok, here's the photo, but just from Izwan's house. Ps. watch out, i'm gonna put captions under each photo. =) enjoy~
Akhmal didn't believe me that he looked a bit like Shane Dawson's orgasm face.

I'm sorry AHAHAH but there are some similarities AHAHA see Mal!

Here you can see a part of Izwan's house and i love this photo!
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