_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ R.I.P
Glenn The Blood Parrot Fish

We gathered in front of the class,
to withness your burial.
And your passing from this earth
When we saw you float on the surface,
Our heart ached
We never thought that out of the others,
You would die earlier
It has come to this,
We don't know your C.O.D (cause.of.death),
Was it lack of oxygen due to the power faliure?
Or was it you were starving...
But that can't be it...
Yet again,
You were our favourite among the other "Normals"
We can recognize you from far with your bright colour
We laughed when the water turned red
And thought you were bleaching off
Instead of fighting,
You seek hiding
We love you Glenn!
May You Rest In Peace
With lesser oxygen
Thanks for
Brightening us up every day
In every weird way
We'll miss you Glenn!
It's a goodbye between us....
Glenn the Blood Parrot Fish
We all gonna miss you...
*Ahax peeps, i just realized that this resembles Akhmal's blog about Lil' Nemo. Seriously i was in a trance typing this post down. I miss Glenn the Blood Parrot Fish, he's my favourite. :'(
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