Wheeeeee~ AUTUMN IS HERE!!!!

Well, at least i think it was.I know Brunei doesn't have the 4 seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter. But i like to think that when there's alot of flowers blooming..then it's spring, when it's hot..then it's summer, when it's windy..then it's fall. Aaand when there's alot of rain then it's like winter. I think we experienced autumn just now,
it was soooo windy!! I love windy! And we can hear dried leaves dragging themselves on the road.

Ok that's all for the autumn topic, i just came back from school and hell am i tired....i bet the others are too. We had another full rehearsal for the drama & choir. We got excused from the classes...well actually the whole class was excused and to go do their choir, the principal wants us. At first the choir was pretty bad, but the second time was good~ then our drama was alright!
Then the 2nd and 3rd song and the raya song with the lil tykes..awww~ there's so cute!
Not much on this post coz i'm tired, very tired...i slept while i did this post. =.= zzzzzZ
Ok that's all for the autumn topic, i just came back from school and hell am i tired....i bet the others are too. We had another full rehearsal for the drama & choir. We got excused from the classes...well actually the whole class was excused and to go do their choir, the principal wants us. At first the choir was pretty bad, but the second time was good~ then our drama was alright!
Then the 2nd and 3rd song and the raya song with the lil tykes..awww~ there's so cute!
Not much on this post coz i'm tired, very tired...i slept while i did this post. =.= zzzzzZ
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