Pictures of you,
Pictures of you,
Pictures of me,
Pictures of them,
Hung up on my blog for the world to see
Pictures of you,
Pictures of me,
Pictures of them
Remind us all how it used to be
So as i said in the past few post that i'm gonna post out some of the pictures of the trip and the burial if one of F4S1 shutterbugs put the pictures up on FB and one did...Akhmal. So Akhmal, minta ah gambar sikit sikit...I'll advertise ur blog for this. I think i'll make a story with these pictures...random stories..MUAhHAHAHAHAhAH!!!
We followed Jack up on the Beanstalk...but then Iffy needs to take the loo~ so in the toilet we went.. then a magical toothbrush, brush us to cleaniness

It's still H1N1 season, the protection squads are getting over their heads..LOOK last time was face mask NOW head helmets?!?!?! How the hell does H1N1 pass through our heads?!?!
(sorry small pic)

The giant woke up and he wants to eat us.....but first we have to wait in line to see who he rather eat. Iffy was denied so as Seri, Neena's on her hips waiting for the results..and it was NO! X

Oooo ketara tia si Akhmal makan chocolate hehehe wrong-o!! ahaha un-healthy...but it is healthy!! In a different type.
Semua dari DST Com mengucapkan kepada semua
"Selamat Hari Raya AdilFitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin"
ahahahahahahahah!! Lama lagi kali ah!
ahahahahahahahah!! Lama lagi kali ah!
Yes, we all mourn for the loss of Lil' Nemo and it's eye on Thursday 20 August 2009 at 4.30+ pm at In front of F4S1 class.
Pouring of H2O
Tears and sadness and alil joy down the grave of slimy Lil' Nemo
For more lovely detail on poor Lil' Nemo's death go to
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