For today's test we had Biology and Chemistry....baaaaaad combination all together huh? Science subject all in one day!
Biology was A-Okay, i'm not sure what i will get but i'm now hoping for a pass or maybe even a B grade. Oh and there's something i was hiding from my friends just now. Ok let's see, i was constantly looking at the clock and doing my job as fast as i could, answer all question just before the bell rings....guess what?? I though the paper was an HOUR paper!! i raced myself to finish the paper for an HOUR when it was actually 1hour an 30 mins!!! I though today's paper has the time of twmro's paper! So, knowing another 30 mins is still on, i checked back my answers and redo a lil bit... i can't believe i did that.
When we finished Biology paper, we didn't have time to talk or meet anyone, coz the next paper was Chemistry, now my enemy and also enemy of every one. Now i don't like chemistry, it just couln't get in to my head nor anybody's! no matter how much i revised non got stuck!. The paper was hard i tell you, my friends are her to back me up on that fact. THE PAPER WAS HARD!!! Even the smartest peeps like Neena, Akhmal and Aisya said it was hard! Wow i think teacher's predictions is going to be right. He predicted that we're gonna fail, guess he's right then.
Ok i have to go now, gots maths lesson with Akhmal and a lil revise on Geography and i dunno what to read for MIB twmro...that's all the test we're gonna have twmro..Maths, Geo and MIB.
Wish me luck of least a passing grade please~!
-akito over and out-