Baaaad Combination

Hey guys, ok this weeks post ain't gonna be colourful as it was in the other posts. That's because i'm busy, as this is a test week. So i think there's gonna be less post than usual and i'm just gonna blog out what i think is important to remember.

For today's test we had Biology and Chemistry....baaaaaad combination all together huh? Science subject all in one day!

Biology was A-Okay, i'm not sure what i will get but i'm now hoping for a pass or maybe even a B grade. Oh and there's something i was hiding from my friends just now. Ok let's see, i was constantly looking at the clock and doing my job as fast as i could, answer all question just before the bell rings....guess what?? I though the paper was an HOUR paper!! i raced myself to finish the paper for an HOUR when it was actually 1hour an 30 mins!!! I though today's paper has the time of twmro's paper! So, knowing another 30 mins is still on, i checked back my answers and redo a lil bit... i can't believe i did that.

When we finished Biology paper, we didn't have time to talk or meet anyone, coz the next paper was Chemistry, now my enemy and also enemy of every one. Now i don't like chemistry, it just couln't get in to my head nor anybody's! no matter how much i revised non got stuck!. The paper was hard i tell you, my friends are her to back me up on that fact. THE PAPER WAS HARD!!! Even the smartest peeps like Neena, Akhmal and Aisya said it was hard! Wow i think teacher's predictions is going to be right. He predicted that we're gonna fail, guess he's right then.

Ok i have to go now, gots maths lesson with Akhmal and a lil revise on Geography and i dunno what to read for MIB twmro...that's all the test we're gonna have twmro..Maths, Geo and MIB.

Wish me luck of least a passing grade please~!

-akito over and out-

Have Hope In Every Doom...

Ok that's a weird quote for a title..

but i'm serious.....just have hope in what ever problem you have... if the answer is not there, just have faith in yourself and push yourself to find that answer....have at least a little hope where ever, when ever or what ever you are. If you think that doesn't work, then pray to Allah to help you go through your problem. I guess the post got the laggs....i think i know Iffy posted a vid like this earlier...but see who put more meaning to the post. Muahahahah!!!


The Weird Episode 3

Previously on The Weird....

-------->Yes, it's true that i hate being near balloons..........i have "Balloonpopsphobia" ..................

On this episode of The Weird:

Episode 3: Hogwarts Why Nots

Now, i'm sure you guys know what's Hogwarts right? No? The school for wizards and witches in the Harry Potter series, the book for all ages......*sigh* written by J.K Rowling! Yes, that Hogwarts.

Ok this might be the weirdest episode yet; i tend to imagine that our school is like Hogwarts but just magic at all. It's like when i walk through the hallways and look at the classes on the side, my imagination will go wild!

Like everytime we have Chemistry pratical (mixing with chemicals) i always think its like Potion Making in Hogwarts's almost the same thing! I just there were no spells needed and strange animal parts to mix with and no mean teacher who likes the colour black.

Then for Physics class it's like Defence Against The Dark Arts......i didn't know how but with physics i think you can save with friction from falling ahahah now that's weird!

To me biology is like botany ( ok i really think this spelling is wrong, i'm looking for the study of plants) so ok botany (sp?), coz usually biology is the study of livig things and thats how they're related! =)

Then our Physical.Education class reminds me of the game Quidditch (sp?) except we don't fly on brooms and have a big field to play on and catching such a fast flying ball with wings!

But then for the language classes like English and Malay it's just the same, i can't imagine anything like that at Hogwarts, that goes the same with geography and ICT class and maths.

WoW....i am weird....i'm sure no one ever thinks of this before..

Stay tuned for the next episode of...The Weird.....tata~

No Title, Seriously

The title says all.

I can't give this post a title...coz' i don't know how to make a sentence out of what we did today.

So at first after being defeated in a game last night, i was kinda tired going to school...feels like there's no energy. Reached and into class, i did some arrangements with the Bio papers and to think i raced myself into doing the end we didn't have a Bio class. Reason, teacher wasn't in and the test is getting nearer! Uhhh! So me, Akhmal & Neena did self test. Neena being the examiner. Towards all, it was fun.

Then it was physics. ok guys concentrate!

This is what we have to revise for the test--->

*DMW (density,mass,weight)
*Moments/Turning Effects
*Energy (formulae of work, energy & power)
*Matter (solid, liquid, gas)
*Thermal Energy (conduction, convection & radiation/ particles jostle/ vacuum flask)
*Temperature (degree/ PREEV/ Kelvin + 273/ thermometers)

Speaking of temperature....i don't like my temperature just ain't good.

The another one, Chemistry

*ok i kinda forgot the subjects but i'm sure the ones you need to revise on are the ones we learnt but less on the Experimental Chemistry.....just read the ones AFTER experimental chemistry

Then we got called in the surau to read a line from the Al Quran then off to maths D.....yeah~ we didn't know there was hw's to be done.


That was just half of what we did today bloggeritino!

It's choir time~!

So as usual...again, we have choir for every break time now.....isn't that tiring?? Well, we were given days off that choir for our soon to come test, which is on saturday with Malay & English to start with. We're gonna do the 2nd it's all comprehension to those language subject.

So, Choir! We did the 3 songs plus the Hari Raya one. It was fun! I mean the raya song, Mr. Glen was there as a judge i think....Ooo scary ahaha. He gave some comments that the guys in the choir shouldn't move their hips so he told them to move lil a duop group. You know those you see in old american movies, when a group of duop singers do their dances in barber shops. Yes! That one! ahah it was a nice one too.

So it a duop for the guys and hips for the girls. Oh and did you know? We sang that raya song 3 times!! Ahahah it was hyperly fun!

Ok i gtg now, sungkai is calling me. Tata~!

R.I.P Glenn The Blood Parrot Fish

_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ R.I.P
Glenn The Blood Parrot Fish

We gathered in front of the class,
to withness your burial.
And your passing from this earth
When we saw you float on the surface,
Our heart ached
We never thought that out of the others,
You would die earlier
It has come to this,
We don't know your C.O.D (cause.of.death),
Was it lack of oxygen due to the power faliure?
Or was it you were starving...
But that can't be it...
Yet again,
You were our favourite among the other "Normals"
We can recognize you from far with your bright colour
We laughed when the water turned red
And thought you were bleaching off
Instead of fighting,
You seek hiding
We love you Glenn!
May You Rest In Peace
With lesser oxygen
Thanks for
Brightening us up every day
In every weird way
We'll miss you Glenn!
It's a goodbye between us....
Glenn the Blood Parrot Fish
We all gonna miss you...

*Ahax peeps, i just realized that this resembles Akhmal's blog about Lil' Nemo. Seriously i was in a trance typing this post down. I miss Glenn the Blood Parrot Fish, he's my favourite. :'(

Autumn's Here!!

12:39 pm by Yasmin Jamal 0 comments

Wheeeeee~ AUTUMN IS HERE!!!!

Well, at least i think it was.I know Brunei doesn't have the 4 seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter. But i like to think that when there's alot of flowers blooming..then it's spring, when it's hot..then it's summer, when it's windy..then it's fall. Aaand when there's alot of rain then it's like winter. I think we experienced autumn just now,

it was soooo windy!! I love windy! And we can hear dried leaves dragging themselves on the road.


Ok that's all for the autumn topic, i just came back from school and hell am i tired....i bet the others are too. We had another full rehearsal for the drama & choir. We got excused from the classes...well actually the whole class was excused and to go do their choir, the principal wants us. At first the choir was pretty bad, but the second time was good~ then our drama was alright!
Then the 2nd and 3rd song and the raya song with the lil tykes..awww~ there's so cute!

Not much on this post coz i'm tired, very tired...i slept while i did this post. =.= zzzzzZ

Hpy Smxteen Nys Amd!





HAPPY B'DAY Nysa Ahmad!

Pout&Smile! xp

That Damn Siren!

1:29 pm by Yasmin Jamal 0 comments
Damn that siren!

Yes damn right! It disturbed me! I was having my "not real" oral test with cikgu Alifah. I can't believe at of all the other time we wished the siren would go off like during Chem class and Physics class. And that siren chose MY time?! My ORAL time! The time where i need full concentration on my language and pronounciation (sp?)! Boy, was i mad. I can't even here myself speak. I can't even think properly! I know i got a lot of X's. And yes i did have those. Damn it!

Cikgu Alifah's comment, woah...i don't like my performance. I'm not really good in my "standard" malay speech. It was really hard to answer the oral question when you can't hear yourself!...mann, i want a redo. And i need a translator next to me. It was bad. That damn siren, so NOT a time to be sounded. Yes, mad as mad i was....i tried to forget about that and just try to improve. So as you guys must know, there's no staying back during this fasting season. So~ it's straight back home. Still kinda moody this video cheered me up so much now that i'm so hyper. This is a treat for you guys.

Please watch it, it might make you day too--------------------->>>>>

Funneh ain't it. I love Johnny Depp!! The best hot actor! Ahax!

The Weird Episode 2

Previously on The Weird........

----->So, i bet you guys know who's Ben 10 right?..........Well~~ i know this is weird for a 15 year old girl...but i enjoy watching it..........

On this episode of The Weird:

Episode 2: When Akito Hates To Be Close To Balloons

Yes, it's true that i hate being near balloons. I don't think that subject is weird for you guys but it is for me, coz' usually balloons is a symbol of happiness and joy. Not for me. I have a phobia about this...sorry i don't what's the name of the phobia because there a whole A-Z list of phobias and i don't have time to look through i'm just going to make it up...i have

I guess with that word, you will know what i'm really afraid of....Yes~ balloons popping in your face...actually not just the face but the whole body....i'm even afraid to hear the popping sound of a balloon!!

I think i had this phobia since i was 8. At a party...a balloon popped in my face and it stings! From then on, i 'm afraid of balloons.

So you guys...please don't scare me with balloons...i'm beggin' you. And don't ask me questions why there are no balloons at my party next time alryte~?

But wait, it also depends on what type of balloons! The hot air types are ok for me it's just the normal party balloons.

Stay tuned for the next episode on....The Weird~ Bye~


4:55 pm by Yasmin Jamal 0 comments
Ok I might have created one of the longest word in the blogger's dictionary there. Ahah!

So today is the first day of school during Ramadhan and what a day it was. As you know, that is is you've been reading my blog for the past 3 days...i've been putting up alot of posts to cure my boredom, but today i think there gonna be just 2 or 1 post, gotta sleep for "sahur" you know. So~ HyperMondayBackToSchoolDay...let me try and break that down for you.

Hyper: A term used for high energy in a person

Yes, i was really hyper just now, knowing that my i'm in school and with friends put me back to those hyper moods. I was relaxed that time..very relaxed. I started the hyperness with a playfull trick with Hj Mirza ahahaha i don't think it was a trick...i think it's just good timing. I knew he was coming from the i went to the window near the door (near Akhmal's place) then put my face near the window. Great timing coz' at the exact time i put my face there he was near the door ahahahah and he was shocked heheh and i laughed.

Then it went the time when Neena found out my hidding place for Akhmal's book. Yes, she found....mann next time it's gonna hide somewhere else!. She was so hyper to read it...but i said "No, not yet, wait til Si Akhmal datang" mann she was too into that book. The funny part is , the look on here face when she waited for Akhmal to come, He came you can guess that the torture was about 10 minutes. *Sigh* a nice scenery~

Monday: The First Day of the Week; prefer in a sentence " Monday Blues"

Yes, today is monday, usual chemistry, ICT, English and Malay. A lil' hard time on the usual with a new peunomics (sp?)

"Cool People Never Paralyse, Kill nor Destroy Loving Bees"

Yes, Mr. Loh came up with that in a second! He loves this kind of learning. Here let me break it down for you.

Cool= Cooking Gas
Paralyse, Kill= Paraffin, Kerosine
Destroy=Disel (sp?)
Loving=Lubricant (lubs)

Have you guys heard that before?? Well it's kinda in geography & chemistry....oil! In to more futher detail, this kinda of subject will be discussed next year on Organic Compounds.

English, we were late again~ we still have choir pratice during the fasting month?!?! Anyways if this keeps up, i don't think WE can keep up with the subjects.

Malay, it was still oral....and i haven't got my took so long~!

Back To School Day: A day where you go back to school

Yes!! Back to school after those 3 torturing days! I was really bored for those 3's like i don't mind to go to school anytime now...wait that's weird....i'm gonna explain that on the next post. I love school!! I got to for a while now and so i'm ending this post.

-Akito Dismissed-

The Weird Series

Morning bloggeritas!

Yeah, first time i say "Morning" on a post...that's weird. Speaking of "weird"...i think i'm weird! Yes, i consider myself weird sometimes when i'm with my friends or cousin.

I'm gonna put up a post series telling you guys what certain part of me i think is weird and NOT normal. This series comes in episodes and i'll post it up when i think i'm weird...Like Now ahah!

Ok this is the first episode....

Episode 1- (Pilot) When Akito watches Ben 10

So, i bet you guys know who's Ben 10 right? You know the one from Cartoon Network and now on almost every lil' kid's school bag? Yes that one.. I'm sure that maybe your younger siblings or cousins or nephews (sp?) watch this stuff. Well~~ i know this is weird for a 15 year old girl...but i enjoy watching it...i don't know why.

I know most of you will say "What?! You watch that?" Yes i do watch that, but i'm not a fan. I just enjoy watching it when i'm bored and there's nothing left to know those time where all of your favourite channels just put you down and you are left with only i channel and you're bored and you really want to watch TV. Well that what happens to me. I watch Ben 10. I this is weird again, i like the story-line, characters and powers..yeah~ weird huh?

See how cute this alien is!! Ahaha! Adorable!!

This below is the new series of Ben 10 in his teen years with Gwen and Kevin...(whoah i know them) Ben discovers that his "Grandpa" is missing and he found the Omnitrix (sp?) which he stop using for awhile back. Now he has it back on his wrist, he;s on a mission t find his "Grandpa" and save the world again. Yet he's to find new and different alien genes in his not like the old Ben, now he has new powers.

Ok i just went overboard there, i did that so none of you get mixed up with the new Ben 10 Alien Force (that the name of the show) and Ben 10 (when he's younger...oh~ i don't know~ 10! ahah)

So you see, i find this weird for me to like watching this, this supposed to be a guys cartoon and at a YOUNGER age too!! I am so weird~ or~ maybe i'm just a kid inside...gotta grow up!

That's all for this episode, keep your eyes peel for the next up-coming episode. Bye~

News Bloopers

Another post here

...i'm getting bored by the minute here....

Facebook is on the laggs so the only thing to do is blogging. Gawd it has just been 2 days without school and you think i can be crazy if this goes on? Don't worry school is coming back on Monday..that is when my 50% stress will be let out and i'll be completely relax "mental-ly (sp?) " that is...physically i will be exausted that's why we (School of Brunei) are give the half we will go home much earlier than before.

Ok back to main topic, News Bloopers...i saw this posted on Youtube. So guys ever think that you want to be a news broadcaster on TV? reading the latest news and all. Well just the heads up, if you ever want to be one, just be really carefull with your words....and becarefull of you really really carefull of what you are saying.. or just "Think Before You Say".....or else you can be like this....

Ahaha i know the resolution ain't good....just listen to what they say very carefully...

Ahahahaha oh gawd it made me laugh many times.....reason why i stay out off speeches and news broadcasting....even in Brunei things go wrong and we laugh....but that's only on the radio...imagine on the TV news...Malfunction Madness!!

First Sungkai

8:59 pm by Yasmin Jamal 0 comments
Hey guys~ back from a meal??

Hope you enjoyed your sungkai today.

So the first day of puasa...not bad eh? Pretty much like any other day when you're on a diet. i didn't go anywhere today, just at home on the bed...all bored waiting for a msg or someone on facebook.

I slept like 2 times waiting for sungkai....actually we went out for sungkai...i wasn't expecting that. I was hoping for some REAL food from home. You know "Mum's" cooking...i didn't recieve that today. I know those who had their sungkai at home must be happy with the family and all.

Anyway, i'm happy too, having a meal with the family. I'm still thankful to have a full day puasa and a sungkai with the family...

Hopefully twmro there's gonna be some REAL food, maybe like cucur, begedil, bubur...i kdon't know anything will do.

Oh a question i wanna ask you guys...Did you have dry lips today and what did you have for sungkai?? I wanna know Hee~

*akito over and out*

Me, My Life

11:56 am by Yasmin Jamal 0 comments
- Ok's time to reveal me...this will be the only post that i'm gonna reveal my real self...don't miss it. After i let you guys read this.....i want things to be the same like before agree?? Ur sure?? Ok here it is..........

* Basics *

Name?: Yasmin Binti Haji Jamalu'ddin

Age?: 15...

Sex?: Female

Birth Date?: 11/1/1994...yes i know 111

Hair Color?: not sure...coz in the sun it's very dark brown but indoors it's black...both?

Eye Color?: definately Dark Brown, black is just spooky

Height?: i think recently 152 it?

Weight?: fine...60 kg...BUT i'm planning to lose it this month, i promise!

Body Type?: i dunno....cubby not so so.... really i don't know how to explain this.... shapey??? i
don't Know!!

Piercings?: ears.

Tattoos?: it's a sin for us None

What are you wearing right now?: baggy school sports shirt and 3/4 black pants

Hair style at the moment?: Neat, volumed, wavy....but not for long...this only happens after

* Favorites *

Soda?: A&W is my fave but i think it's endanger now

Food?: I prefer Jollibee or McD and C.A Muhammad...and some local foods that i am begining to
try..i'm curious in foods now...need to learn new taste if i ever wanna be a chef!

Drink?: Papaya Milk and Water

Alcoholic Drink?: Hell No! Never in My life

Time of day?: 8pm-11pm

Season?: AUTUMN!! My favourite theme for almost anything! Hence my nickname Akito stands
for Autumn Person!! Coincidence isn't it?

Day of the week?: Thrusday for now, it's a relaxing day with friends

Song at the moment?: it's always, Photograph by Nickelback.....pasal si Akhmal ne, main pakai lagu atu sampai org main lagu every morning ahahahah!

Band/Artist?: Nickelback and more others i can recall all

Book?: 1000 World Facts! My fave...never get bored of it

Subject in school?: English!! and Geography

Place in the USA?: Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA

Place outside the USA?: It's either Australia, Dubai, London, Singapore, Japan or Brunei....ok this question is hard

Color?: Green , Orange, Blood red, Velvet Blue, Black, cream, wood brown (Natural colours are the best)

Style of clothes?: Comfy, simple, sporty (tho it's hard to get a football jersey)

Store?:I don't mind anywhere except shoe stores.....Mum takes a long time the end she
doesn't buy anything.

Mall?: The Mall...

City?: London!!, Tokyo!!, Singapore!!

Website?: weehhhh~my blog is my life...

Magazine?: I don't usually read magazine...but if it is left open on the bed...yes i would read it...Wait!! I know what magazine...the National Geo Magazines and The Photograph
Magazines....i just love how they capture those pictures!

Kind of pet?: Penguin!! and baby tigers!! So cute...wait is this question asking for exotic pets???


Place to be?: in a war

Class in school?:i don't know Maths? not..i'm starting to enjoy it... i don't know

Time of day?: 6am-7am & 5pm-7pm

Season?:'s so hot!

Kind of pet?: Pigs & Dawgs

Drink?: Beers & Wines (Alcoholic)

Food?: Raisins & uncooked foods...sushi is exceptional!

Mall?: down to the rubble

Store?: A store where they follow you where ever you go and those who ask "What do you
wanna buy?" question when i ijust came in the store. that is getting annoying

Style of clothes?: Trashy, slutty, off-scene, bright like hell

Celebrity?:Malaysian comedians...EXCEPT P.Ramlee his jokes are real...while these modern
ones are fake..cappy cappy lagi

Color?: None I like all colours (=

Book?: Bent, torn, went, no covers

Type of music?: Heavy Metal...i can't understand what they're singing

Website?: "Internet explorer displayed error page" & "Internet connection lost"

Magazine?: Playboy ahahah those are for mens

*Daily Life *

When do you get up?: When i have enough sleep or a sore back or time for school (coz I can sleep anytime I like)

What is your first thought?: What was the dream i had?? Alway, everytime, this is the first
thought....i love remembering dreams.

What do you do first?: flip over my pillow and slap my face ahaha i've been doing this over 9 years! And still doing now

When does school end?: 12.30 sharp

Do you see your friends?: yes i do. i am not blind you know

What do you do when you get home?: Change my clothes, switch on Tv then internet

What time do you go to bed?: Anytime I feel i want to

* Do you...*

Brush your teeth daily?: Yes (3 times a day, morning, evening and before sleep)

Brush your hair daily?: Yes ( after bath, before bath, before school, after school and before bed ahaha i sound like a freak!)

Shower daily?: Yes (morning, evening and when i feel hot)

Sing?: Yes (when i'm in the mood)

Dance?: Yes (with friends...especialy Akhmal and Neena)

Party?: No, i'm not good with parties...i'm too shy to mix with people (my weakness- low social

Read books?: Yes who wouldn't? (tho i don't show it xp)

Listening to music a lot?: sometime...i listen what's on the radio and youtube

Read magazines?: Not now...more into newspaper

Go online a lot?: Yes a lot!

Stay on AIM all day even with an away message?: What AIM??

Have a religion?: Yes!

Have an IPod?: yes! but it got killed

Want an IPod?: No all i want now is a Big Camera and Nokia E71

Have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend?: *duct tape mouth)

Play an instrument?: Piano or Keyboard

Get sick a lot?: not really....kinda immune to sickness....but i takes time for me to heal...oh about
3 weeks for a fever...but now i'm kinda sick and i thinki'm not immune to it...HELP!! *Achiiick!! cough cough*

Watch TV?: Yes...of course

Like MTV?: Yeah especially True Life Story...about teens having problems with their life and
Sweet 16 to see how spoilt they are and tobe carefull i wouldn't be like them

Like VH1?: Yes

Like the History Channel?: Depends on the title...Prophet Muhammad, Da Vinci, 7 Sins those are
my favourite subjects

Have Digital Cable?: Hell??? whats that?

Have more than 500 channels on your TV?: Yah, I guess...

Listen to the radio?: car radio yes

Still use your CD player?: nope

Stalk people?: Hell no...wait sometime hehehe

Have more than 200 buddies on your Buddy List?: Nope

Have dial-up internet?: Wireless already!

Have AOL?: No

Know HTML?: yeah but alil.

Have a GPA higher than 3.9?: Whats a GPA??

* Music *

Do you listen to Rap?: Yea, A bit

R & B?: a bit

Blues and/or Jazz?: a bit

Classical?: OH YES!

OrchestraicPop?: Sometime

Country?: Yes

Emo/Scremo?: hell no...or i don't know the song

Heavy Metal?: NO

Christian?: NO

Techno?: Yes

Reggae?: Yes

Broadway Musical songs?: If have

Oldies?: no

* In A Boyfriend/Girlfriend *


Hair color?: Black

Eye color?: Same like mine

Tattoos?: No WAy!! He won't be mine if he has one

Piercings?: No for him...poklen tia

Favorite Music?: Aqua Timez, Slow Rock, my type of songs

Style of clothing?: Something cozy and simple

Body Type?: Normal

Personality or Looks?: So.... sporting and understanding, romantic heheheeh

Would you go out with someone just for their money?: No Way!! Never....i go for love and loyalty
not money

Do you go on "Pity Dates"?: Nope.

Do they have to be popular?: Nope

Does the guy ask the girl or the other way around?: Guy ask? for a gal to ask it sound like she's

Where do you go on the first date?: Restaurant or Movie

Kiss on the first date?:on a first date kinda early doncha think?

* Right Now *

Do you think you look good right now?: Ok lah...simple girl next door

Are you eating something?: Nope Puasa kaliah!

Are you drinking something?: Nope

Are you IMing anyone?: I wish...kalau ada org melayan

Are you talking on the phone with someone?: No, i'm not good on the phone

Are you talking face to face with someone?: No

What song are you listening to?: Photograph -Nickelback

What are you watching on TV?: None

What other websites do you have open?: Facebook and AkhmalAiman blog

Why are you taking this survey?: I love survey

Where are you going to post it?: Blogger and i think Facebook

What are you going to do after this?: Edit my blog

* What do you Believe? *

Do you believe in ghosts?: Yes

The afterlife?: Yes

Aliens?: Yes (i don't know why)

God?: Yes

The devil?: Yes

Heaven?: Yes

Hell?: Yes

Scientology?: No Way!


* Randoms *

Have you been on an airplane before?: Duh!! Of course

Where were you going?: Singapore

Have you been to another country?: London, Dubai, Paris, Australia, Singapore, KK, KL

Have you ever went to another country with your friends?: I wish. Especially with bestfriends

Have you ever partied in another country?: Nope

Have you ever went on a roadtrip with your friends?: Nope, i wish

Ever stayed online more than 10 hours straight?: Yeap

Pretended to like someone just to get popular?: Nope

Talked about someone behind their back?: Yeap

Had someone talk about you behind your back?: Dont care

Been in a fight online?: Yeap

Been in a fight face to face?: Arguements only

Been to Australia?: Yes,

Do you like snakes?: Naw

Ever cried to get your own way?: Nope

Ever broken a bone?: Yes, i think

Ever had to stay in the hospital for more than a week?: I can't remember

Ever had serious surgery?: No lah

Ever went to one of those "adult" stores?: Yes but just outside

Ever bought clothes at Walmart?: Nope i never been to walmart

Ever gotten clothes from the Salvation Army?: My dad?

Ever paid more than 100 dollars for a pair of jeans?: No? I think so

Ever been on stage for any reason?: Yes

Ever been in a play?: Yes

Ever been in a choir?: Yes

Ever been in a band?: No

Do you play, or used to play, an instrument?: Yes

Waxed your eyebrows?: No Way!

Waxed your legs?: Yes

Cut yourself shaving?: No

Have you ever died?: No!!! crazy question

Was this survey an good at all?: Yes

What time is it right now?: 2.36 pm, aahaha

Ok i think that's enough information for you guys to know me....

Ok i got ot go...Bye

*Call Me AKito*

Pictures of You, Pictures of Me, Pictures of Them

Pictures of you,
Pictures of me,
Pictures of them,
Hung up on my blog for the world to see
Pictures of you,
Pictures of me,
Pictures of them
Remind us all how it used to be

So as i said in the past few post that i'm gonna post out some of the pictures of the trip and the burial if one of F4S1 shutterbugs put the pictures up on FB and one did...Akhmal. So Akhmal, minta ah gambar sikit sikit...I'll advertise ur blog for this. I think i'll make a story with these pictures...random stories..MUAhHAHAHAHAhAH!!!

We followed Jack up on the Beanstalk...but then Iffy needs to take the loo~ so in the toilet we went.. then a magical toothbrush, brush us to cleaniness

It's still H1N1 season, the protection squads are getting over their heads..LOOK last time was face mask NOW head helmets?!?!?! How the hell does H1N1 pass through our heads?!?!

(sorry small pic)

The giant woke up and he wants to eat us.....but first we have to wait in line to see who he rather eat. Iffy was denied so as Seri, Neena's on her hips waiting for the results..and it was NO! X

Oooo ketara tia si Akhmal makan chocolate hehehe wrong-o!! ahaha un-healthy...but it is healthy!! In a different type.

This is a tv advertisment for hari raya by DST
Semua dari DST Com mengucapkan kepada semua
"Selamat Hari Raya AdilFitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin"

ahahahahahahahah!! Lama lagi kali ah!

R.I.P Lil' Nemo Memorial Service

Yes, we all mourn for the loss of Lil' Nemo and it's eye on Thursday 20 August 2009 at 4.30+ pm at In front of F4S1 class.
Pouring of H2O

Tears and sadness and alil joy down the grave of slimy Lil' Nemo

We Love You Lil'Nemo!!! May You Rest In Peace~ R.I.P

For more lovely detail on poor Lil' Nemo's death go to

ABC of Islam

10:08 pm by Yasmin Jamal 0 comments
Hey peeps, ok i don't know how many post i posted out today, i'm just really bored, got nothing to do so i think blogging will help abit. I've been surffing and found many islamic song translated to english.. i love their voices and lyrics... last post was one of them... here are some more..

Yusuf Islam

Sami Yusuf

familiar song?? ahaha lagu choir!!

Zain Bikhra

Give Thanks To Allah

Prep before Ramadhan

9:11 pm by Yasmin Jamal 0 comments
-Mountains of Mekah~ Zain Bhikha

I love this song alreadY!! it's so meaning full i love his voice i love the lyrics!! Enjoy! While listening to the song read the lyrics below......


Oh Mountains of Mecca, what can you say

Of the day that Abraham passed your way

And He was instructed by God to build

A House of peace where people will pray

And they will come on every lean camel and

out of every ravine

For the purpose of praising Allah, to glorify Allah

Oh Mountains of Mecca, what can you tell

Of the day when stones from the sky fell

Destroying an army determined to break

The House of Allah that Abraham built

Oh Mountains of Mecca, how was the dawn

On the day that my Prophet Muhammad was born

How did it feel knowing he was to be,

the last and most beloved of all

Rasool of Allah, Nabi of Allah

Oh Mountains of Mecca, you were there

When the Prophet Muhammad climbed down in despair

Engraved in his heart were the words of his Lord

To all of mankind this was his call

La illaha illAllah, Muhammad-u-Rasullullah

Oh people praise only Allah, Glorify Allah

Oh Mountains of Mecca, how did you mourn

On the day that the beloved returned to his Lord

And up till the last breath escaped from his lips

He prayed that his Ummah would find success

Oh Mountains of Mecca how will it feel

When the earth shall quake and tremble with fear

And we shall be gathered together to stand

In the court of Allah with our deeds at hand

Oh how we pray that on that day, we'll be with those to whom

Allah will say

Peace be with you, I am pleased with you

Oh Mountains of Mecca, Bear witness that I

To the oneness of Allah do I testify

For all that He's given me, How can I deny

My purpose in life should be only to cry

La illaha illAllah, Muhammad-u-Rasullullah

There is no god but Allah, Muhammad's His Messenger

Allahumma Salli Alla,

Muhammad Rasullillah

Allahumma Salli Alla,

Muhammad Nabi

AllahAllahumma Salli Alla,

Muhammad Rasullillah

It's Ramadhan!!

7:14 pm by Yasmin Jamal 0 comments
-Sahur!! Sahur!! , Sungkai!! Sungkai!!

Ramadan (Arabic: رمضان‎) (also written Ramazan, Ramzan, Ramadhan, Ramdan, Ramadaan)

:- is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is the Islamic month of fasting, in which participating Muslims refrain from eating, drinking, sexual conduct, smoking, and indulging in anything that is in excess or ill-natured; from dawn until sunset Fasting is meant to teach the Muslim patience, modesty and spirituality. Ramaḍān is a time to fast for the sake of Allah, and to offer more prayer than usual. Muslims also believed through good actions, they get rewarded seventy times as much as they normally can achieve. During Ramaḍān, Muslims ask forgiveness for past sins, pray for guidance and help in refraining from everyday evils, and try to purify themselves through self-restraint and good deeds. As compared to solar calendar, the dates of Ramadan vary, moving forward about ten days each year. Ramadhan was the month in which the first verses of the Qur'an were revealed[Qur'an 2:185] to the Prophet Muhammad.

Hey~ guys ok that is just taken straight from Google....i don't know how to explain Puasa fully, basically it is refrain ourself from eating or drinking or anything bad during the whole day until sunset. And it's a good time to pray forgiveness to Allah for their sins.

Yes Puasa/ Ramadhan will start twmro so muslims....remember to puasa, it's a good thing to do so. To me this holy month is a good time for prayers, good deeds and a time to lose those pounds before fitting in the raya clothes.....but......ahahahahah during raya i'm sure those pounds are going to hunt us back.....

Ok muslim peeps please do puasa for the's not for me or them, it's for yourself

////akito prayin'////
