So today's the 3rd day of mid-x'am..... and to tell the truth i was able to do it...inbelieveble (aha i know that's wrong... sja) It was Physics....(dum dum dummmmm) the horror~ but i can't believe it that i did it... hehe majal. Physics 1 was the first paper, it's MCQ btw and we answer the paper pro-like hehe not really tho.. it's just that the answer sheet is like Cambridge... that one that you shade using pencil. kinda complicated tho coz' the space for shading was so cramped up that i almost got mixed answers huhuhu luckily i changed it. the MCQ was ok... i did it but i didn't say i it's all correct.
The Physics 2 was the horror for everybody in class just now.... except for Neena (of course...ajar kan Neena!) she claimed that half of the paper she learnt it in tution and she knows the answers. Anyway YUP!! It was hard and challenging, even Akemaru said that... then it must be truely hard. i got stuck on the 1st question so i left that for a while then did the rest... ok lah boleh buat atu.... the only question that i was really really confident in answering at was the one with the gravity force acting on a TRACTOR hehehehe haahahah i'm happy i answered that... but i dunno if i got right for the rest... Let's Hope I Can Pass This Physics
p.s i went back and answer the 1st question again hehe rugi kaliah kalau inda jawab
Akito Minjey says: Bai!! Bai!! (ichimaru style)
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