Everybody!!!!!! Everybody!! I just realize that my blog reached it's 100th post!!!! YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! Wow i did that??? I didn't even know that i type so much and that there's been alot happening. I won't type a lot on this post, just to give thanks to the peoples. =)
- Akemaru....for exposing me how fun blogging is and bringing the fun everyday so i can post out something
- Blogspot...for creating this site and letting me join in
- Bestfriends (Neena, Iffy, Akemaru, Reena)... hehe i know i put your names there, thanks for being my bestfriends and making my life easier for awhile
- My Family...actually they don't "REALLY" know about this yet...but 1 knows hehehe :P
- F4S1...this production that can befound on youtube, really brings out alot from me, hope we can make more videos hehe
- Tite Kubo...for creating BLEACH, it makes me very happy and helps me post alot about it....it's my most favourite anime in the world...hehehe i always defend it if someone wants to assult BLEACH. :)
- Internet...for making it easier for me to post out everynight on my mobile phone by Opera Mini thanks to you too!!!
that's about it guys!! i'll be posting out more!! riiiigggghhhttt after the x'am is done, right now i'll be posting a little only
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