Like they always say, don't judge the movie by it's poster.....whaaaa? they don't?
Anyway, this movie....you just got to watch it in HD!
BluRay? go ahead!
DVD9? just buy it!
Theater? worth every time and penny!
3D in S'pore?? JUST GO BY AIR ASIA for god sake!
Yes, that is how good i think the movie was.........
AHH!! THE EFFECTS!! Gawd the effects were amazing!! When you watch it, you think that place can be in this world. It's so dream like! i just love the glowing scenery! it's like half of my fantasy dream came true in that movie!
Effects is the most important part of the whole movie!
Writer James Cameron.
Director James Cameron.
GAWD now i wanna meet him!!I wanna buy the book!
Here's a tralier of it. Do enjoy. And do leave space in your head for imagination and a small space for fantasy and dream.
There! The trailer. I know it's longer than any other trailer...well, that's because it's a 3 hours duration for that movie...but seriously. I highly recommend anyone to watch this, at least try!
bored at home, want to kill time on sleeping?
Activate your brain to 3 hrs of great effects! It's so worth it!
Overall, i'm giving this a 5/5 stars! Full and i'm not being bias. Storyline was good, a hint of common sense into it rather than just full friction. Effects, yet again GREAT! what else you want me to express how good this movie was?
Watch it!
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