In the afternoon....ahhh~ biasa lah, buy food and drinks and have a picnic at the teacher table. So~ its eat eat eat, drink drink drink. After that we talk about ghost, like how we thought things can be seen like a ghost, people who encounter some of "them", ghost from the movies...and the most idiotic of all, is the "movements" of ghost <-(its brought up by Akhmal). There were aLOT!! Akhmal scared the crap out of me when he show how ju-on ghost moves with is 2 fingers. I screamed!! (you know me, i imagine things easily).
So after the "Ghost Stories" we talk about people who kinda "do things" in their sleep. Hahaha everyone did it. Hahaha Hi-lary-us!
At 2pm we had Chem X-tra. Me, iffy, neena, nysha and Akhmal were the only one there. We did an experiment of melting point of "Moth Balls". It was fun but the observation are slow. Almost all answers were 80*c !! The moth ball melted to a clear liquid (we crushed it first). After sometime it cools down and formed a jelly-like moth ball! Hahaha we tried to dip a pen in it and the liquid dries up instantly. (i threw mine away). Then we went to the class and saw Reena. Played and study. Then Akhmal danced with JI-HO song. I heard it was from Slumdog Billionaire. It was a really nice dance! After that pretty much went home hahahaha
Posted in
Life With Friends,
Life's Experience,
School Days
Another Term
(to be continued)
I'm back peeps...sorry 'bout that. Ok where were i? Oh Yeah bla bla bla and heading to Maths. Oo0o0o0o maths! I feel so excited for maths. Hahaha that's coz the subject we were on was easy peasy.
I think that's all in the morning. Stay tune for in the afternoon!
Posted in
Life With Friends,
School Days
Heeelllppp!! Meee!!
Posted in
Random Strikes
Hard Yakka
(har-d : yak-uh)
An Australian slang that refers to the word "Hard Working"
ie. "WOW!! She's sure a hard yakka."
*translate* "WOW!! She's sure hard working."
So yeah that what it means. I kinda got this from E! when they ask an OZ who looks better in what. ^.^
Posted in
Random Strikes
I watched but when the video reached where the "zombies" slowly came out of their respective grave (except for the one in the sewer...i think he died in there) I screamed! I was alone again and it was so quiet. I screamed like a that's rare heheh. I calmed down after that and laughed. The video is great. I just love the's so iconic.
I wonder if i can do that in school in the afternoon. I especialy love the head movements and the zombie dance, you know with the hands up like claws. Hahaha i love that. Now i feel silly being afraid of a mere zombie in the television. In real life they're actually real Homo Sapiens. Hahahah
p.s Akhmal, is there a chance we can do the zombie dance at the end of the year?? Just asking, but i don't think there is... ^.^
Posted in
Me and My Life,
Random Strikes
Posted in
Life's Experience,
Random Strikes
Early of the show the contestants put up a group song, everyone was in. The solo that Adam performed was so great!! You Go Adam!! They were singing Ain't No Mountain High Enough!! Nice catchy song. Then they announce the bottow was Matt, Michael and Scott (huh?? He can't be in the bottom 3!!) but Scott was safe! Yea!! So as the rest of the contestans. But before they announce the person with the lowest votes. Out comes STEVIE WONDER!!! Wahh! I love his songs! The last song he played was so meaningful and the best too! WOW he sure live up to his family name. He sure brings "WONDER" thru his ear-catching songs! Ok so it comes down to this.....and the lowest number of votes goes to.....MICHAEL!! (ryan said that) i was actually shocked when i heard that. If i have a chance to vote, I would vote u Michael!
So just to give you an update on who i still support is...Danny, Anoop, Adam, Lil' and Scott. (it really shocked me when Scott got in to the bottom 3) KEEP IT UP YOU GUYS! And Show Simon That You Have A Great Voice!!!....because i can't do it. Heheheh
Posted in
Random Strikes
"I SUPPORT DANNY, ADAM, LIL and (there's another person)!!!!"
i luv their singing. And i'm in the mood for choir!!
Posted in
Random Strikes
Self Hickey Experiment
I just saw a popular tv series called "F.R.I.E.N.D.S". Have you heard it? Well there is this one episode when Monica recieves a "hickey" from a drummer (i think...). I kinda wonder how they leave that kind of mark. So i was bored....aanndd i tried to suck my hand for a very long time....hehehe i've got nothing to do. For awhile then, i tasted blood. Let go of my hand and saw a red blob in the middle of my hand. It's kinda sore too. Til' now it remains. Huhu it doesn't hurt tho.
Somehow, when that part u gonna suck is wet it's much more effective than when it's dry.
Mann~when i typed this down i feel like a vampire sucking and tasting blood. Hahaha
Posted in
Life's Experience,
Me and My Life,
Random Strikes
Why I Didn't Eat Cereal?
Posted in
Random Strikes
Online Shopping Spreee~!!
Pay cash u get a discount of 2%. Adds $5 for delivery. *not in Kampong Ayer, Temburong, Sg Teraban, Labi, Merangking, Bukit Sawat & Dian Sukang.
Sells:- Sony television, Nokia mobiles, Canon and Nikon cameras, Sony Video Cameras, Dell and Vaio Laptops, Digital Frames, Pendrives and Hard drives and WATCHES many brands of watches like GUESS, DKNY, D&G, CK, ARMANI, BURBERRY AND GUCCI. They're gonna have more brands to come in the future tho. So just wait for it.
Posted in
Random Strikes
Where Am I? Prt 2
"the place is really big. There are more than 100 rooms that has chairs and tables. But those room are divided for different types of people. 1 for small people, the other for medium people and the other is for big people. Some of the rooms are for V.I.Ps. There's a parking spot outside. A place to eat and buy food. 2 multipurpose halls and a hall purpose for talking. There's labs and of course toilets. But u need to pay for a term to learn some new things for the future."
again this is very obvious hahaha
answer it ok. ^_^
Posted in
Random Strikes,

MAYAMA!!!!!!!!! DOWN >>>>>>>>>> KYAHHHHHH!!! TOMA IKUTA!!!! ILUVU!!!!

Posted in
Random Strikes
Dream Dream Dream~Dream~
Ok that yesterday night i was having a massive headache but a lil water and a bag of laughter from "The 70's Show" cured it. Guess laughter IS the best medicine hahaha.
So after being cured i went to head was blank, dark, nada, nothing. Then i had a dream
~~~~~~~~going into the dream~~~~~~
ok i was there, iffy, Akhmal and somehow Yasir too. We were running around an area which looks like medewa..just running along together (like chasing each other) we ran and ran and i think abg ayu broke a plant vase from a "samak" (*samak=messy with plants all around) house. We ran again then suddenly the road changed to a road that leads to Lambak Kanan
This is weird tho even for me. Somehow somebody shot us from behind. Didn't feel a thing. The shot was not fatal at all. Everyone lived thru it and we all woke up in a hospital that is so elegant. Every patient has its own room. And very spacy. When i looked out a window...(here's the part) i saw clovers every where. The clovers were growing on a slanting hill. Its such a view. Everyone went to iffy's room coz she has the best view of it...hmph...anyway after we looked. A man that somewhat is Morgan Freeman came in. He talked to us and offer us Secret Intelligence Resources. Some kind of spy. And it is under a secret military force. He said that we were aimed coz' of our intelligence?!? WTH?! We all agreed to join.
So actually that hospital that we were in was a special hospital where people don't mind to spend thousands just to cure a cold! So yeah we agreed and we followed "Morgan Freeman"...........unfortunately it ends here. Wahhh!! Oh that reminds dream kinda resembles my favourite novel right's called "ARK ANGEL" by ANTHONY HOROWITZ. Its about a 13 or 14 year old british boy that enters a spy group. And he's counted as Military Intelligence Special Operations. So yeah he's smart. The story is very cool coz' he beats up baddies using things around him and his brains ofcourse. Ahh i'm addicted to it and this is just my first book of its series.
If you guys wanna read it sometime just tell me!
That's all! Sayonara!
Posted in
Life With Friends,
Me and My Life,
Random Strikes
"it rectangular. When it's switch on, a light appears. 19 or 18 buttons that when pressed will also light up and display data on an LCD screen. If you press a green button, awhile you'll hear a voice but if you press a red button the voice will be put to silence. It's very popular nowadays. But you need to have a card to do all these things. This is what i'm doing right now"
ahh~this is pretty obvious again.
Answer it minna-san!!
Posted in
Random Strikes,
Cut The 2nd
-the end-
Posted in
Life's Experience,
Me and My Life
"This place is huge and has a mansion in the middle. It is white and clean. Guarded by many men in black suit that can be found surrounding, inside and beneath the area. There, lives a man that can be elected every 4 years. His family lives there too. He's the man of the country. He's in charge pratically of everything, war, economy etc. The place holds many great secrets. When there is a breaking news for the country, he will broadcast a news at that place all over the country and the world."
umm i think it's a lil obvious. Ok i want ALL my blog readers to answer it in a comment below.
Arigatou minna-san! ^_^
Posted in
Random Strikes,
"I feel a gush of wind in my hair. I feel like i'm floating yet there's wind blowing against my clothes. No matter when i open my eyes...i can't. My mouth is forced open by the wind. I feel like i'm flying. People from below says "NO!!!". Ambulances and police were waiting below. And i came down 60 mph with a loud "THUD!!". I see red all around. I can't move my body. People gather around me. People shriek. When i look up...the place i was from was 263 feet away. I was put on a bed. I hear sirens. I feel light headed...."
So if you know the answers of what i'm doing post it out by a comment below. Please participate in this game. Arigato gozaimasu mina-san!!
Posted in
What am i doing Prt1
Final Fantasy 7 Problem
Ummm. Just asking. Why the characters didn't bleed or get a cut or a scratch when they encounter sumthing sharp or rough or sumthing that ur sure ur gonna get hurt from??? They encounter sword-play, falling from celings, get thrown to the wall or dragged on the floor and didn't get hurt from it...not even a scratch!
Any ideas why?? No answers coz' it an anime.
Posted in
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata
Ain't no passin' craze~
It means no worries
For the rest of your days~
It's a problem free
Yeah this "Hakuna Matata" thing does work at all for me....i blogged coz' i'm bored. See how serious my bordom is?? Huh??
Posted in
Hakuna Matata Not For Me
Boredom Hits Me Too Fast
Its only the first day of March Holiday!
Argh what the hay!!
I'm deadly bored today!!
I've got nothing to do but lay~
I can't go to the bay on any day!
Help me i can't stop with the "AY"
HAHAHA its so ryhming and catchy too. Anyway its just the 1st day of holiday and i'm restless! I'm so damn bored! This is the worst boredness i've felt in 3 months! I wanna go to school! I miss doing notes in school! WHY WHY DOES BOREDOM HAVE TO HIT ME SO FAST?!?! Instead of having R&R (why r&r, check the previous, mostly the 1st R) i need O&G *Out & Goin'
It's so boring...and the worst is...i'm gonna suffer this for 10 days!!
P.s Any ideas how to ease my boredom???
Posted in
Boredom Strikes
Scar The 1st
What's that thing that always happen??
"SCAR". Yup i just got a scar on my left hand and it's around 1 inch long and i dunno how deep it is tho.
How this whole thing happen??
Well, in the break of dawn my cats aka Vegas & Domino and my kittens Ichigo & Ikki were fightin' at the same time....and i kinda did'nt care coz' i was sleepy. *dreaming* then i woke up around 7 and i saw Ikki in a separate cage and my dad ask me to put Ikki back with its momma. And while doing that my hand got caught on the spikey thing around the opening, it was stuck for 2 seconds and took my hand out quickly. Yeah it's bleeding!....yeah yeah bla bla....anyway the spikey thing is metal and its rusty/corroded.
Can i get infected frm this??
P.s my left hand's numb
Posted in
So~ before all this things happen we have to do choir again. Yup we sang National Athem. But before that, Ckgu Amal our choir teacher announce that today is her last day here. Yeah and she's not coming back. She gonna be in the goverment section. So Abg Ayu and Drama peeps, the plan for the drama is kinda messed up now since the teacher will not be here. All we can do is find another teacher. Well thats about it. Oh and can you guys suggest something that i can do during the holiday??? Answers...leave in comments.
P.s I saw a guy that looks like AIZEN SOUSUKE from BLEACH in school. And he was talkin' to Miss Chinn. But in the middle of the ceremony of appreaciation....he cried. Dunno why but he's cute and wears spects **
^_^ Abg jgn perasan ah!
Posted in
Last Day Again
Anyway i want to skip to the afternoon...so0o0o0o0o Abg Ayu lanja us to KFC (kaling football club...hahaha) it was delicious!! ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU THANKYOU ABG AYU!!! Yeahh~ so we were deadly lethal damn bored and decided to play a music quiz game. This game is done in a group. A person is in charge of the song and points are given 1pt answering the singers name and 2pts for the name of the song. It so much fun that some of us when crazy trying to remember the answer ahahaha i fell down after every question i answered. And the wiener is NEENA!! YAY U! Hahaha oh and there's this competion on suggesting words held by the HSBC. We tried so0o0o
many el stupidido words hahaha hopefully one of the words is correct. And if its correct we gonna have $1000!! Now that's money *kachang* $$$$
Posted in
So yeah you can guess how quiet it was. Oh and we still joining choir guess what?!
Yup...we have to sing...the song we sang were National Athem, School Song (which is lame) and Al- Ul Usna. The 1st and 2nd were perfect. >_* But we went down the drain...all the way down >>>>>>>>>>(turn ur computer/ laptop/ mobile etc. side ways on the right)
Coz' not many of us can remember the whole song. Especially ME!! Argh!! I wanna explode! It was so bad that after we sang and went backstage EVERYONE had cold sweat!! We took our seat like nothing as we came out...hahaha worst one ever! Last our suprise Saiful was there takin' pictures... And we made a journey around the school. And voted which team is the best in the journey. Unfortunately we didn't win. And we were holding the lucky no.7.....hmph! Guess 7's not lucky anymore. Hmph!! Lousy no.7!!
P.s. Abg Ayu...if u came u can help us with the choir and take some pictures too!! Rugi lah u.
Posted in
not a single boy,
In is 1 day of school without Yasir. But he did came in the afternoon wearing his SMJA uniform. And his hair was messay too.
We had Chem afterthat and we played with lights, a beaker filled with H2O, a screen, a slit and an electric balance (why does it seem so scientific??)
Ooo0o0o0o this is the part i'm waiting for...wait for it...wait for it...wait for it...BAMM!!!!! TODAY IS FATIN'S BIRTHDAY!! Fatin aka Fishy!! Its her birthday today and we forgotten about it untill almost the end of MathsD. She didn't say a thing. Oh Fatin how should we remember that its ur birthday if you didn't say anything. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FATIN AND HAVE A GREAT LIFE AHEAD OF YA!!
Oh Fatin can u forgive me for forgeting your birthday??
P.S.- Iffy if ya readin' this...can u bring your LAPUTOPU* ??
*Laputopu = Laptop...just add "U's" to the "P's"...ahahahahaha "P's" get it??
Posted in
1 day,
Fatin's Birthday,
Race To Witch Mountain
Yasir's last day...I WANT HIM BACK!
Anyway if i have any of this time-winders and i can choose a time...i would chose yesterday. Sorry for the l8 post..i was kinda moody last night and i watched BLEACH till' 11pm and when i wanted to post this out..half way i doze off. Anyway i would still pick yesterday coz it was Yasir's last day in SMYSHHB. That Bastard wants to move to SMJA! I never agreed to that at all!...errm.. Ok back to the topic. Yesterday we celebrated a farewell party and a be-lated Birthday party for sweet sweet lovable and missable YASIR! Mann...hic*...hic*...sob*...i miss him so much already!! (to be edited and continued) >>>>>>>>>>>i'm back! Ok so in the afternoon Yasir lanja us to KFC (kaling football club), fruits, aloe vera apple juice and HUA HO (i'm advertising >_< )cake. Oh just to let u know...that aloe vera thing~it's slimey~~ewww haha but it taste nice and i realize i'm drinking grass. Anyway we ate and ate and ate till' it was timd to cut da cake! He said when he wants to cut the cake "Ok ikut ratio!" haha which means...he cuts the cake and give it to you by your weight!! Haha i miss his voice! Anyway when he was getting ready goin' home we (me and iffy) gave him da pwesent. Inside that pwesent is 2 keychains that i made for him...really hope i likes it. Then we gave him a lil black book (sounds like where ppl put their contacts or lets say "provokotive" haha) that we (me and fwens) left msges and sign it. We stayed back with him untill he went back home. Mann..what i missed from him is his voice, his teasing and the most is his signature head massages. Ohh!! I miss him. If you wanna see pictures of the party or the last day go to ** (ahahah Akhmal pay up coz' i'm advertising ya)
Posted in
Missed him,
Still moody,
Time flies,
Psst...Yasir might not know this..but i've made him my bestfriend.
P.s Iffy i didnt realize u posted something like this too. Sorry bout' that. :-)
Posted in
Don't forget us,
Don't leave,
Gonna Miss U,
YASIR one of my bestfriends
Great Disappointment
Posted in
Nothing much
Iffy! Don't forget to bring ur bju! U'll be out if u wear uniform there. Btw i thunk i just wear a grey or black t-shirt and my black stary jacket and jeans. I just wanna keep it simple. Iffy dunt forget to recharge ur phone and camera.
P.s don't forget to bring sandals or shoes too! KYAHH!! Japan here i come!!!
Posted Not Specialy for Iffy
Iffy! Don't forget to bring ur bju! U'll be out if u wear uniform there. Btw i thunk i just wear a grey or black t-shirt and my black stary jacket and jeans. I just wanna keep it simple. Iffy dunt forget to recharge ur phone and camera.
P.s don't forget to bring sandals or shoes too! KYAHH!! Japan here i come!!!
MJ's song sounds racist??
Posted in
(hokey pokey theme song)
"I saw a chicken on the floor..Then i ate it all up...First i cut off it's head and drain all it's blood...Then i plucked all it's bulu and pulled out it's bulu...Dipped it in water and waited for a while.
I marinate the chicken and put in the fridge...put it out the fridge..Then i fry it all about
That's how i got my lunch!"
hahaha nice song isn't it???
Posted in
Today's Yasir's birthday....HAPPY BIRTHDAY YASIR!! AND MAY ALLAH BLESS U WHERE EVER AND WHEN EVER!! So we did'nt actually didn't celebrated but we did gave him a pwesent and i can see that he really likes it. That i'm so pleased. The pwesent is a DVD hahaha DARKER THAN BLACK. I kinda decide to buy that for him coz' he's been asking for money to buy it everyday. Hahaha now he has it as a pwesent. And the pwesent is wrapped in a pink ribbon (more about a a post yg ada title nya RIBBON) ah siok lah but i was moody early in the morning coz' sumthing sad reminds me of sumthing. (what is that sad reminder??.....look down.
This afternoon i went emo coz Yasir told us (as in me and iffy) that he's leavin' school on this saturday and NOT next saturday to enrole another school which is SMJA. We were shocked coz we were planning to spend more time with him and now we only have 3 DAYS with him (mann what is this wet thing rolling down my cheeks? Gosh!! I'm seriously crying!!) actually we tried to control our "taps" but iffy started to cry and turn her back to Yasir. Well i knew that she would do that and i have the feeling to cry too but i kept my machoness for awhile (do girls have machoness??) and then Yasir replayed back all the memories from form 1 till now which i guess made him tear up a tiny winy bit. I can see that coz his nose was red and his eyes were watery. I laughed fakely just to make it cheery. Then Yasir wanted to leave a "will" behind, well when he went to make the "will" ....i cried (yeah i dnt think girls have machoness). Coz' all the fun memories with Yasir flashed through my mind ( and iffy went back in from the window coz she went outside to cry out awhile) ARGH i made me cry more and made my eye swollen. And every time Yasir turn back to look at us..i quickly wipe off my tears yet...i cried again when he was'nt looking hahaha it's pretty much ovious that i cried. It was almost two and time for Bio. We got out of the class and me and iffy were abit moody and we went to the au d' toilett and cried more. We gathered our strength and went outside like nothing happened.
Tho. The memories is still in my head ARGH!!
What the hell is this wet thing on my face again?!?
Posted in
Gonna Miss U,
Ok i realize i'm not going to the point here. Ok so we ate the and saw Grandpa. Sama sama makan lah tu ertinya. After that we went to National Inn which is the building next to the C.A. There we cuba baju and i bought a sharpener and a pen coz' i need it (yeah rite!) then after that we had a ride to this place called KAMPUNG DURIAN hahaha i know why did they named it DURIAN? Must be where durians were planted long time ago in Brunei. Daddy told my that this place is one of the first people from kampong Ayer and had come to live on land during Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien III. And in that kampong there is this road that has big shadey trees on both it looks like the trees are giving way for cars. That road reminds me of Australia's country side. And then we took picts btw but i couldn't put it in. Sorry bout' that. Then we went back home. And i went to the internet for 10 mins to download pictures of Bleach..haha thinking of bringing a copy for the JAPAN WEEK IN UBD..just in case if they do drawings. Haha instead i print out the picts that i downloaded (the picts are sketches of Bleach characters) and i traced it. By using an opaque table and a night light below it in a dark room. So when i placed a paper on top of the print that is under the night light in a dark room (its so complicated) i can see the print clearly of the piece of paper. I traced it so well that i did so many copies and jumping up and down everytime i finish drawing. Maybe i'll bring a copy of it twmro. I thunk thats all tho. Today there not much going on. Only there's no school and its Ma'lud Nabi. Yeah its pretty much boring.
Ok i'm off. Tata ^o^
Posted in
Trees leading the way
1) weight : under 1kg..but its quite heavy when u handle it 1 hand.
2) colour: ebony black
3) name: Canon E06 (i'm not sure with the E thing correct kh Abg Ayu?)
ok back to the Abg Ayu brought his "baby C" and took a load full of photos of us and ofcoz' him too. Banyak lah cara gambarnya atu such as...jumping(that was so much fun) and a lot of posing. His camera was fun i tell ya. And he got it for a B'day pwesent. But huhuhuhu its way beyond my budget to just buy the lens. Uwahhh! Siok! memagang pun! Oh and our lil trick work perfectly (trick. What trick u might ask. Well try to understand the blog "BEST TRICK" story) coz we ask Abg Ayu to be the voice of the imaginary "boy" and the naive "hated person" believes in it. And we were gathering around the phone making kiddy noises. Anyway if u wanna see the picts go to ( mayb he has posted it out already. And the title said something about a B'day ribbon. Well we sign a ribbon for Seer's B'day on this coming Tuesday (10/03/09) wahahahaha makin tua ia atu. Hahaha oh well the ribbon was filled with b'day wishes Wheee~ umm i think thats all. Not much tho.
P.s Abg Ayu i'll really try not to scream when i see Bleach there. Hehe but it depends on my mood during that time or my "anime hormones" if they are active during that time. Hehehe can't wait to go there Kyahhh!!!! P.s ku tertido while typing this post
Posted in
Tertidor tadi
Anyway the JAPANESE CON'!! Its held in Brunei at the Conference Hall in UBD!! for 6 days!! (i think...'||'|) starting on Tuesday till Sunday (i think). I knew this from Abg Ayu (aka akhmal) 'sigh' thankyou so much for telling me about this...thankyou soo much *tears of happiness*...anyway I GOTTA GO THERE!! I REALLY GOTTA GO THERE ESPECIALY ON THURSDAY...hehehe coz' ada COSPLAY!! Kyah!! COSPLAY!! COSPLAY!! COSPLAY!! COSPLAY!! Hope there is Bleach and Naruto. And there an Exibition. Hope they sell manga and Bleach models. I gotta beg my dad to bring me there. Gotta remind my self to bring cameras and mobile and lots of M0OLAH! Hehe juz in case if i wanna/need to buy sumthing. Hmmm....i wonder what to wear if i am going there...hmm mybe selipar jepun hahaha and some thing black so no one can reconize me. Oh mann i do wish i have a costume huhuhuhuhu G0TTA GO THE! I GOTTA! I GOTTA! Okidoki that all for now. Btw esuk ada bad-bad-min-ton. Gudnite mina! Sayonara! ^_^
Posted in
Gotta Go,
Ok that's it. Ta ta
WOW! 1 minute to midnight!
Posted in
1 minute,
It ended for 4 days!!
Ok that's it. Ta ta
WOW! 1 minute to midnight!
Posted in
1 minute,
Now the "SHOCKED" moment. It was just after MathsD paper...and our Chem teacher barged in and said "you've done badly" oh that means he has marked it already. everyone gathered around him..he gave out the papers to everyone. And OMG!! Holy 'beep'! What a shipwreck! EVERYONE FAILED THE PAPER!! Wow that was a total shock! Not even ONE passed! They are some that was so near to geting it..let me name some that i can remember...Yasir-24.5 (kasian 1/5 mark lagi)
Iffah-24 (1 mark more)
someone got 23. I got 22 and Nina got 21. Umm and the lowest is Ahmad...he got 5 out of 100. Nyah who cares about that...EVERYONE FAILED! Hmm i would like to blame the teacher..coz' he teaches us like people from University. Pakai computer lagi masa mengajar! And he doesn't give any notes! Argh! And he talks fast..and his questions are always what we haven't learn yet. Jezz he expect us to know everything! That teacher! Nvrmind about now i'm getting tired and wanna finish this post. The last one is when me,neena and nysha got bored and crazy. In the afternoon around 1 we ate our launch and it was So0o0o quiet!! I can even hear the AC working and every footstep from outside the classroom (yeah we eat in the class) but at the strike of 2 our crazy hermones went wild! Neena started to dance like move the legs and hands side to side kind of dance. And Nysha did the Belly dancing! Woohoo u go girl! Then i was going back to the past and remembered the "MACERENA"! Heyy Macerena!! We did the dance! It was so funny and we were planning to do that in the middle of Physic paper. So guys that reads this, better look out...we'll be dancing when u know it! Btw we saw Hazywan and Faiz today too. Ok adios! ^_^
Posted in
Macerena Dance
The whole relationship lasted ONLY 4 measly hours!! That can make a world record!! The girls never forget how pathetic and desperate this "rival" is.
Actually i dont get the story but the trick was fun and smart too!
And it's a TRUE story! Mann...i feel sorry for the "rival"
Ok think that's all for now. Gotta sleep. So tired posting this long story. Oh yeah we saw ckgu nadzif in the school too. We as in me,nysha,neena and reena. I'm out!! ^_^
Posted in
really long,
Rushed!! Argh!!
Posted in
Posted in
Malay Terrible~ English so so
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Kinda Hard,
The road that leads to my house was banjir up to this high (above my ankle) and the 'longkang' was so flooded...myb there will be shits laying around twmro morn (hopefully not coz its gonna be 'peeyu' (i forgot how to spell that)) While i wuz outside taking videos and picts (sorry can't put the picts here...i'm usin' mobile) my maid lost her 'selipar' ...HAHAHAHA...and we found floated from the entrance door to the back of the floated seperated though..the other one was under the cat cage. Wow the 'selipar' must have a cruise! I saw something bobbing up and down in the 'longkang' ... '||'| my imagination went wild and i thougt that thing thats bobbing in the 'longkang' was a head (logically a skull) urgh...hope its an old the banjir is long road now is dry and i can still see the ''skull" (*shiver shiver*) why is it still there? Isn't it suppore to float to some where else?
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ManU vs Tots,