Self Hickey Experiment

I was curious. It's coz my bestfriend Iffy was curious too. WOW curiousity is infectious!

I just saw a popular tv series called "F.R.I.E.N.D.S". Have you heard it? Well there is this one episode when Monica recieves a "hickey" from a drummer (i think...). I kinda wonder how they leave that kind of mark. So i was bored....aanndd i tried to suck my hand for a very long time....hehehe i've got nothing to do. For awhile then, i tasted blood. Let go of my hand and saw a red blob in the middle of my hand. It's kinda sore too. Til' now it remains. Huhu it doesn't hurt tho.
Somehow, when that part u gonna suck is wet it's much more effective than when it's dry.

Mann~when i typed this down i feel like a vampire sucking and tasting blood. Hahaha

1 Response to "Self Hickey Experiment"

  1. . Says:

    pervertiness is infectious too..haha..

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