Aaaannndddd~ it was my Lil' sis birthday party on that day but her REAL birthday was the day before this day...which is 14 July. Well Happy Birthday to her too!!!!!!!!!
Thursday 16 July,
Ok, i can't remember anything happened on that day......only i got hurt again on the same spot...yet again Akhmal*** knows it....i didn't tell anybody else about it coz....well~ one of them rarely replys back and the other has less symphanty (sp) Akhmal's the only one i can talk to that time.
Nevermind's something to fill this day up. Laugh all you want coz it's Baka-ly funny!!
We sharpened our heads and after became....

We went for a sugery to fix our noses...came out with this!!!

We got called in LA....they were asking us to replace them!!

BBC got it all wrong!! Teletubbies weren't in the show biz anymore so to give a good speech BBC called in us!! Ahahahah

Rolling Stone Mag ran out of crazy celebrities so they assigning us to do so hahahahahah
(sorry small photo)

Friday, 17 July
Nothing in mind.....just eating Japanese food with Grandmaw and cousins.
Saturday 18 July,
I stayed back with Akhmal***... we washed the fish tank in school..mann it was stinkehh...The tank was so dirty that we almost lost 2 fishes when washing it. Akhmal helped with the washing. Filling it up was that hardest...coz we need to bring the tank back to the class which is a few meters away....but Akhmal carried it all the way..i wanted to hepl him..but he insisted...such a gentlement of him.*sweet sweet*. Then i had to wash the filter when all the sudden there was no water supply!!! Arggghhhh!! and i was in the middle if cleaning it too and somebody shut down the power supply in the girls lavatory!! It was like somebody don't want me to be in there. So yeah we washed the filter in the left over semi-clean water in the bucket... then Reena came...hmph* great timing~ anyway thanks to Akhmal***for helping me!!
Sunday 19 July,
My old maid went back to Surabaya...gonna miss before going to the movies to watch Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince, the family had lunch at the Delifrance in at the airport (i can't say in coz it was not located was outside) THIS is what i had.... it was De-Li-co-us!!! I want more!!
Mushroom Soup and Hot chocolate

Chicken Delight!!

Mushroom Soup, Hot Chocolate and Chicken Delight!! You can see in the background that my sis had already eaten 1/2 her Delifrance while i haven't got a bit yet!! Fast Eater!!

Where do you think this is???? Internet taken or live taken?? Give ur answer in the chat box on your right.

What's this then?? I know it's sand..But where?? Is it actual sand dune taken fro the internet or a close up picture of sand on the beach??? same thing, your answers in the chat box on you right.
EXPLAINATION: Akhmal***= Yes i'm gonna stop calling him Akemaru for now...i don't know why but....a yellow birdie told me to...No not Big Bird people! And it was not Akhmal who told me to do so....I think it's better to know his real name but my other friends are still their Nicknames.
:I got hurt= No i didn't get hurt emo style... no way nothing like that...just physically hurt...not gonna tell on my blog.. but Akhmal know everything about more info ask him...Ps. it was painful, tears rolling. P.s.s. Mal~ i'm ok..don't worry, I'm fine, don't blame yourself please.
Thankyou!!! Ok i kept my promise....sorry there was lil' text in this post.....but you know what people say "A picture is worth a Thousand words" well hope they're right... coz i'm getting tired typing this. And it's like 11pm now and i was on the computer since 6pm. Neck is sore. the this is the end of this post... and yes i'll try to update as soon as i can Blog readers!
-Akito is out-
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