Hillo!! I'm Back!! From Where??? Dari Tidor Tadi heheheee.
Anyway i just had to post this out coz' i had the best meal in a restaurant for over 1 year! I think to you guys...it's not so bad. But to me it is, coz' everytime i want to go to this reastaurant...my lil' sis always meng-usut..but not today...umm actually a little just now..but it's her problem anyway and not mine. heheh so today my family went to this --------->>

you can find this place behind Plaza Athirah (you guys should know where this already -,-") but make sure you bring a lot of cash or a credit card when you wanna eat here...tho there is pricey!!
the food there is just divine! That's why we eat there very "rarely"
Meat-eaters...or Carnivores prepare you money and feast your eyes on what i got...not a pretty resolution to the picture tho but it'll have to do.
here..take the look on what we ordered....
The Side-Orders
Rebel Honey Ribs

Lamb Shanks
Mama had this. It's lamb and it shanks. Side-orders: Potato Wedges and Veggies. I'm sure it's delicious! Slurrrp~
Beef Steak

This meal is sure afford-able. It's $8.90. yakah?? i can't remember. But it's true it around the $8 range. I'm really sure it also delicious as the other meat. Side-Orders: you can't choose coz' it's already a promotion...so the side-orders are potato wedges and carrots and cauliflowers.
My Babah and lil' sis ordered this and a drink comes with it...A Glass Of Sparkling Grape Juice....it's halal btw.
OMG just thinking of it makes me wanna go there again...huhuhu once again, I'M REALLY SURE THAT WHEN YOU EAT THERE, YOU'LL BE SATISFIED!!
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