Last Minute Was '09, This Minute Is 2010
Wishes all of you a.....
WOW!! 2010 already?!?!
OMIGAD!! I'M OLD! Ahahaha! but SERIOUSLY!! 2010!!
I mean how did i get from 1994 til 2010!! I mean, do the math... I'm old!, now i think i'm experiencing mid-teen crisis!! Pfft yeah mid-teen crisis, is that even a word? Wait, it is a word..but does it exsist?
Look '09, i know there had been a lot of divorce news in your time, like Jon and Kate, but i just have to divorce you right now. I have found me a year that i hope to achieve my resolution (gonna post tomorrow) and go through the GCE'O Level examination with high hopes of a good future ahead. I'm looking foward for more suprises and challenges with 2010.
So farewell '09.
Great times with were well spent, like meeting new friends in January. Friends such as Akhmal, Del, Ahmad etc.
AHAH! then the experience where everyone in the class failed Chemistry on the first assessment test.
Then F4S1 youtube account made, parodies, PaDa!, Hot or Cold and F4S1 Awards!
Then to the audition for the Charity Night which is stupidly cancled "oh so" suddenly.
And to our Maths and Class teachers kept changing to this to that until the principal has made his final decision.
And there was the Geological trip and recently the Tasek Lama hike.
Then Tarian Competition, tho we lost, we tried and hopefully this is it's a possible win, we just need the will of the students.
Oh and the Teacher's Day Celebration! The entrance for it was crazy! Tears for every speech and love and gratefulness for every word. Emotions filled that day.
Fun, Scary yet busy too..of course Izwan's B'day bash/ Halloween party is the class of F4S1 '09.
Then the scary movie marathon in the class after our E.O.Y exam ended.
Then the time Fatin has to leave for Dubai, miss her dearly all the way from the Adobe Of Peace!
And most memoriable and most recent, the 8th and 9th of December School Lock-In Camp 2009!
See 09'? We had fun together, experience new things, went through pain, went through happiness. 09' We will miss you, but we have a life and we must move on...
Sorry, but go find yourself a Past. G'bye, will miss you and don't call back!
2010~ come here! Let the adventure begin!
Posted in
Life With Friends,
Life's Experience,
New Year,
School Days,
School Trip,